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Everything posted by jesilyn

  1. I think I missed something *Stands protectively behind Danarus* But wow, is that kid's outfit well co-ordinated, or what. He's even in mostly white so that car lights will glare off of him on Halloween and not run his ninja butt over.
  2. Bunny Slayer !!!!!!!!
  3. Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu...
  4. Hi Mai Mai Doll! *glomp* I got promoted yesterday and got to do ZG
  5. Perhaps the hissyfitter was playing the horde rogue and he had the misfortune to attempt to gank an FP member ... and it went poorly for him
  6. Thank you very much !!!! You rock, Bent.
  7. jesilyn


    Yea! You look just like some one I know too! Oh, wait, nvm, that some one I know IS you any way.
  8. D'oh! Another fine relationship killed by security camera footage! /mourn
  9. Lyrin! Congratulations on your stylish new chapeau! There isn't anyone in the world more deserving of such a colorful, face obscuring, pointy hat....and I mean that in the best of ways, of course. /Halo I will be sure to send you more threatening candy to celebrate your luck. I'm sure that is JUST what you wanted to hear me say too .... *glomp*
  10. I am Frost ( 33 ) and Fire ( 18 ) and just love my Elemental Staff
  11. Bent, thank you for the welcome to FP, I appreciate it. S9, thank you for the invite and the chat, that too was appreciated. I had a good first run out yesterday and enjoyed the experience and am getting to know some of our guildmates. A big thank you to all who've made me feel welcome and a big glomp to Lyrin and Lt as always. As for the two people I have not met, who are wondering about my name for some reason, and suggesting it's negative in some way ... O.O ... that was unexpected. I've been playing WoW for a little over a year now and Jesilyn was my first toon. FP is my second guild home and I have two alts that I also enjoy playing. Hope that info helps you clear up any of those strange thoughts you put out there.
  12. Hey you, where's the video you shot of Jesi thwarting Bent's attempts to fling her off a mountain? Huh? Where's that one? No, you chose to show the movies of you saving 2 million peasants from certain doom. I see how you are. Well done with the videos, B.
  13. jesilyn


    Do not fear the Lyrin. Embrace her, for she is kind, loving, smart, and very caring......unless she has a tire tool in her hand. If you see that particular item in her grasp, well, just run for your life!
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