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I don't logon too often to play, but this expansion will probably get me to play more often. I hope that some of the folks I've played the game with from FP over the years will come back and play during this expansion. So many good memories with a lot of great folks that I hope to see again when this expansion goes live.
I'll be honest here...I hate cigarette smoke and have never smoked a day in my life and never will. I get horrible headaches from the smoke (Always have) and we used to make my dad smoke outside as a kid. I'm sure there are many of y'all that do smoke regularly though so I can see how something like this angers you.
My character will truely be a hunter-tank by the time I'm done customizing stamina...lol.
No cross faction whining, but I did make use of being able to speak to them two days ago. I was out doing a quest in Icecrown and while fighting three mobs a hunter and warlock decide that'd be a great time to gank me. I come back after dying and the hunter left, the warlock was still there so I proceed to gank and camp him. Some d-bag Alliance mage named Cheezypoofs comes up to me and says "I do not require your assistance" (Seriously who talks like that?) and thinks for some reason that I'm there to help him. I told him I'm not there to help him and I'm ganking someone that ganked me. Anyhow he says "LOL you got ganked by a lock?" I told him what happened and he said "L2situational awareness"...Put him on ignore and that was that. I come back a couple of days later to Icecrown and I just happen to be flying over two Alliance fighting a DK on the path up to Ymerheim and getting owned badly by the DK. As I drop down I notice that the mage who was getting destroyed was that d-bag Cheezypoofs! I watched him get owned twice by the DK..lol. I took him off ignore and said "You're a pro...LOL" I then switched over to thank the DK for the ganking and he thought it was hilarious after I told him what had happened. He'll be getting a 100 gold when I transfer gold over to my horde character just for doing that. I guess I kinda like this system!
Well this is certainly interesting. I took advantage of being able to do this tonight and I made an undead rogue called Sheisty. I think the name is pretty appropriate for the class.
I'm laughing so hard at both of these I'm crying! Man what an awesome website. I think a new email from that site should be posted here everyday!
I've been having plenty of fun going round and round with Sprint. The persistence has paid off though. Two weeks ago they knocked off 220 dollars off of what they said I owed. I asked why they knocked off the money owed and they told me they did it just because it was at their discretion to do so. I also got 200 taken off for a phone they said I didn't return. They tried to charge me for it so I disputed it and after going to three different people they erased the charge. Also had a dispute on the SMS messages (Ringtones etc...) that come to the other phone on my bill. I went through about five levels of people at Sprint, but finally got an American and she erased about 20 charges from my bill that were 9.99 apiece. After all that they decided that since I've been a customer since June of 2001 that the starting price on any phone I want will be what the internet price is after all of their listed rebates. The woman I talked to told me to just call cancellations and they'll negotiate with me on a phone and will give me a lower price than the after rebate internet price due to the length of time I've been a customer. I think I'll wait until they get down to near zero on the phone cost to inform them that they'll have to give me one of those 700 dollar phones for free due to also needing to knock off another 150 dollars because I've gone 18 months without getting a new phone. Sprint is fun to deal with.
I voted for Bush. I didn't vote for him because I was a member of his party. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican and never will be. I voted for him because I thought he'd do the best job last time around. I'm not all that impressed with his leadership since I cast that vote, but it could've been worse I think. I have a hard time trying to understand why folks ally themselves with a particular party. I don't need a group of folks to tell me what to think and who to vote for. I guess I'm just too independent in nature to ever be affiliated with a political party. I think that mindset might have come from growing up here in Texas with parents and a family who are exactly the same way.
Yeah that's right, that's the name of the team. Really looking for a pally and I'm open to it being either holy or retribution as I've had past success (I call getting to right at 1700 with an undergeared ret pally and a priest a few months ago successful!) with a ret paladin before. If you're interested, just send me a pm on here or catch me in-game on JRV or my mage Holymight when I'm out farming with him. So far we have a Warlock, Shadow Priest, Holy Priest, an overly excited French-Canadian mage and my prot specced hunter. The times for doing games will vary depending upon when folks can be on and what not. The amount of games each week will probably be somewhere in the 25-35 range, but really it just depends on how many folks want to do so it could be more or less than that amount. Anyhow hope to hear from one of y'all Paladins soon!
I've never been a raider, but if I was I would've called the day a success and been done after pulling that off. The cruel and unusual aspect of the torture that was done really adds to the hilarity of this.
Here's mine. It came about 2 or 3 months back. A real life friend of mine, Ptybeo(Warlock that got me started on this game), had taken a break from playing this game. When he decided to start back up again he asked me if I would take his Best Buy gift card and get him a game card so he could start playing again. I'm like "sure I'll go get one for you, but you'll have to give me a couple hundred gold (Was trying to save for the epic flying mount) since I'm going to skip lunch to go get one." He calls about 15 different Best Buys in Dallas to see if any have a game card. He finally gets to the last one and they say they have one left and they'll hold it until I get there. I go and pick it up no big deal. That's when I decided to have some fun at his expense. He called several times to see if I had gotten it, but I didn't answer. Finally when I'm about to get off work I call him up and put him on the speaker phone at work. I proceed to tell him, "Yeah man so you're not gonna believe this, but I went up there to get your game card and the guy sold it to someone else!" At this point he's pretty pissed and proceeds to say an assorted variety of bad words that my co-workers are getting to hear. He gives them a call and claims to be my boss and that I was sent down there to pick him up a game card for his kids...lol. He cusses out a couple of their employees, tells them he is going to come down there himself to handle the situation and hangs up pissed off at them. At this point he said he was about to call the store and pretend to be someone from Best Buy corporate headquarters who just received a call about his complaint. Me and my co-workers are dying from laughing so much so I tell him, "You know I found one other store that has a game card and I'll go get it if you give me 300 Gold once you get back in the game. At this point he's desperate and agrees to do it. It is then that I inform him that I had the game card all along and that my co-workers have been listening to his whole rant. I won't repeat all the profanities he said after that, but he hung up cussing at me and my co-workers who he could hear laughing at him. Oh and I still got the 300 Gold because after he cooled down he admitted no one had gotten him like that in a long, long time.
I got this game a couple of days before Christmas 2004 on the advice of a friend. I had no clue about what this game was about so when it was time to make a character I asked him what to make. He said "Make a hunter and you'll get to have a pet" so I went and made a hunter. So I reach level 14 or 15 a few days later and I ask him, "So when do I get this pet?" I had no clue you had to go do a questline to get one...lol.
Y'all can't top the Autobahn, (aka I-35) that runs through Dallas. I find myself driving in the 80's fairly often and I still get passed by just about everyone who is doing 95-100 through construction zones. If you ever enter Texas and see the sign at the Border that says "Drive Friendly, It's the Texas Way" just laugh at it. Then get ready to be flipped off and ran off the road by some drunk redneck in a dually doing a 100 with his dogs running around in the back of the truck because that's the "Texas Way"...
How could some of us from last summer not remember you! You were out there PVPing everyday alongside several of us! Darn good hunter that's been sorely missed. Check your pm's when you get a chance to. Hope to see you back soon!
Well Omarus it'll suck to see ya go, but I understand why you've made your decision. A lot of folks I PvPed with have come to the same conclusion that you have about this game. It'd be cool if you kept your account active so you could log in every once in a while to play. I'm more than sure the people who have PvPed with you would be more than happy to see you out there every now and then. I'm glad I could help get you into group PvP. I always tried to get you in when you weren't raiding because I knew that was one healer slot that would be filled by someone who knew what they were doing. Are you going to give the new games like Darkfall or Warhammer a try when they go retail eventually? I hear the PvP on both games looks far more promising than what Blizzard gave PvPers. If you do try or find another game that looks promising PvP-wise let me know and I'll give it a try with you.