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About Youko

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  • Interests
    go, anime/manga, zelda, 24, house,
  1. check out these miis: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=134132
  2. have zelda but still no wii gonna do some hunting today see if i can get one.
  3. Youko


  4. thats nothing compared to breastplate that dropped for us just now
  5. i tried using bongo buttons but my buttons on the bar seem dull looking, like i need to turn up the color/contrast. and rapid fire is missing from sorren timers? nvm i got bongobongo working now. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l209/kkurapika/WoWScrnShot_121006_193900.jpg on the UI i use 3 bars: 1(horizontal) and 2(vertical) are shown. the 3rd bar is hidden and has things like aspects, volley, pet spells etc and are all bound to keys which i remember. so i press f9 to go in to hawk, f10 for monkey, f3 to feed pet etc. i dont really need to see those spells on my screen thats why i put alot of junk on that 3rd bar and hide it. 90% of my spells are bound to my keyboard. the numpad has all my shots on it. i sometimes alt+z and play, i do this for the emps fight in AQ when i pull bugs. in raids my party UI is hidden and i have warrior class dragged to the top right so i can see when tanks start to drop and run away to FD
  6. [align=center:9dea651f04]the "clicking" noise in raids[/align:9dea651f04] [align=center:9dea651f04][/align:9dea651f04]
  7. shad, could you list the mods for your ui? like the bars and stuff?
  8. well i am gonna be taking more than a week to beat it, since i usually play zelda patiently and not rushing towards the end - dont want it to end o.o
  9. update - being the lone wolf i can be sometimes, i took a trek down to see-thun. no goon mobs were present - there was one single conclusion - they fear the hunter youko and were hiding cause i could hear whimpers coming from frightened anubisaths and their friends o.o anyway i carefully came around the corner and there was THE EYE - a GIANT eye twitching, begging to be poked. so...i tried inching and inching to get closer and when i was almost on the first stair c'thun accepted my challenge...so i decided to stand there and let him take the first hit - after all, i want absolute victory. he then casted some weird magic and wounded me, but it was nothing i couldn't shrug off...i then decided to use my trusty LOS spell! (note this is all happening in a fraction of a second - so imagine a tortoise in slow-motion) i deftly flip to the side of the wall but suddenly i felt a searing pain and landed flat on the ground with a grave wound...c'thun is immune to my LOS... the real battle is nigh cursed eye...art thou prepared c'thun? youko will return with the prophets repaying you for what you did...with interest!
  10. ok ramoot i finally accept you as a cool hunter
  11. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998) was one of the first games I played and to this day of all the games I've played I like OoT best. OoT remains as today's highest ranked game in the industry based on game critics reviews. The newest entry in the Legend of Zelda series - Twilight Princess is launching next month and the Zelda team at Nintendo is touting it as their best Zelda game yet! So which prophets are planning on getting this Zelda? I've already pre-ordered mine! Zelda: TP - Trailer Zelda: TP Video [align=center:b70c990d31] http://www.ganonstower.com/images/tp2.jpg http://www.ganonstower.com/zeldagcn2/offart8.jpg http://www.ganonstower.com/images/ss2.jpg[/align:b70c990d31][/font:b70c990d31]
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ljYwTu9PA
  13. Youko

    Hello Prophets

    hope it turns out well gwen, come back soon
  14. Wii will launch in Japan on Dec 2 not in Nov like NA. there's a good chance smash bros on Wii will be online, maybe we can have some prophet on prophet action!
  15. http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/732/732722/the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess-20060914082131989.jpg http://wiimedia.ign.com/wii/image/article/732/732722/the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess-20060914082135161.jpg
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