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Everything posted by Madi

  1. Im in the process of redoing Vinds vids to help people a bit more then just show the kills and u know ive always been helpin FP so you get first look altho there publicly posted. Stang heres a link i only have Chrom done i know u guys arnt there yet but haveing a head start never hurt ill get the others done this next clear hopefully. Madi's Movies As ive always said keep moveing forward FP and im always here for you if u need me.
  2. Vid i made for Stang on Firemaw positions etc. Hope it helps Good luck guys http://files.filefront.com/firemaw_0001wmv...;/fileinfo.html I would have put this in the Raid Stragedy forums but your nooob leader told be to put it here
  3. Madi


    Gratz guys on Rag last night from Vindictive sorry to see Stang not there but great kill anyway u guys are doin great keep it up glad u finally got that ugly sob down. Gratz FP
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