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About Bentley

  • Rank
    is a priest?

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
  • Class

Profile Information

  • Location
    Florida Keys
  • Interests
  1. Bentley

    The old days

    'Ello everyone. I started my real trip into raiding here as a prophet. Many moons ago. I have since moved off of the server to play in a different realm with real life friends. I took a long break from making movies and I decided to make one. It touched on the old days as my toon thinks back to the days of killing Ragnaros and Nef (Both done as a Prophet) It was featured in WoW Insider. I thought some of the old school people mightenjoy it. *tips cap*
  2. Shadowmeld
  3. bread
  4. FIFA
  5. It's never to late to join the dark side.
  6. Happy whatever you celebrate.
  7. Note: We vehemently oppose “ninja looting” therefore your credit card will NOT be charged until your order is processed for shipping. Pre-order now. Power to the players.
  8. You could take on 35 five year old kids in a fight.
  9. Actually I think it will now allow people to not have to sit outside the instance and allow them to go farm if they are online and not lose a night of playing if they didn't make the invite list. Now when a spot comes open you can just summon the SOB back tot he instance and have him in the raid asap.
  10. I listened... for a few seconds.
  11. Bentley


    Happy Birthday. ZOMG
  12. Spellsurge is better than 81 healing in alot of ways if you stack a healing group. If you just toss one here and one there then 81 healing
  13. Did you do Vashj without a shadow priest? O.o
  14. ZOMG Priests are like totally gonna win
  15. Epic Failure.
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