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Mr. Bungle

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About Mr. Bungle

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  • Birthday 04/15/1982

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  • Location
    Pittsburg, KS
  1. Name: Brian Loc: Kansas (originally from NC) Hobbies: WoW, music I have a kid due in march I'm 23, and an aries (prolly spelled that wrong) Not a very exciting person, but always willing to lend a helpping hand
  2. my GF said I should dye my beard white and be Santa for X-Mas.... http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d39/BMGwynn/thefinger.jpg Thats why the camera got 'the finger'
  3. The +15 FR and NR to cloak enchants require nexus crystals, not sure about any other enchants.
  4. Well, I talked to a GM tonight, they are going to look into restoring my pally , I also decided to ask him a question prolly alot of us have been wondering... http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d39/BMGwynn/sillyGM.jpg Hehe.
  5. Ive been in Onyxia when the server decided to boot almost our whole group in the middle of phase 3....fun fun
  6. I dont know if blizz will do it, I deleted my warrior around the same time and got him restored...if they did restore him, I could prolly get my gear back by providing them the enchanting reagents and money from selling/DE'ing the stuff. Ahh yes, good times Val, good times, Scrapes and I met doing the courier quest, and while we were doing that quest we were being griefed by a 60 hunter who we owned, and a 60 rog, who we also owned I have some stuff going on in RL now, and I might not be able to play for a while, but I'll keep yall up to date on the situation. And grats on killing Rag WOOOTTT!!!
  7. Hey folks, this is Bungle, I deleted my pally foolishly, but after having a falling out with my horde guild i have decided to reroll on SC (maybe a warrior). Hope to see you all soon! B
  8. Mr. Bungle

    Uh oh =(

    Dood...i was playing my warrior the other night and the picture on my monitor went narrow, and i heard a pop and smelled buring plastic...and my monitor cut off, and hasnt turned back on since =(
  9. http://www.alldumb.com
  10. That was sweet! Did anyone watch any of the other videos? Crocodile Bungee FTMFW
  11. Haha that was awesome
  12. Its blocked because you wouldnt want to work if you could play it lol
  13. ZOMG /add make a blood elf to things-to-do list that would be sweet if that was really their dance...almost as cool as the ogre/moonkin dance
  14. Owned...but after playing a tauren warrior so much i am tempted to find an arcanite reaper and hack up some elves...thinking out loud again
  15. Lol, the guild on my server is called Silvan Rangers, they are pretty much of bunch of friends from EQ that came to WoW, from what ive heard they were equally as much of asshats in EQ. I remember all of them when they were like L35 and raiding SM for gear...thought they were the shiznit back then too My guild is named Wraithsteel Legion, with that said WSLFTMFW, and FPFTMFW too =P
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