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About Volkv

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/07/1989

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  • Location
    Reppin East Side /gang-signs
  • Interests
    My girlfriend =D, WoW, Warhammer, Hockey, Reading a good Book.....

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  1. I heard Volkv keep, keeps it real. 

  2. Dawn of The Dead
  3. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    i cant seem to ever get this right lol eh it looks alright on my screen....not tooo too plain now...added some fire and trees hehehopefully hosting is fixed now i used imageshack.us like you suggested =D thanks for ze help
  4. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    i made it an img rather then what i had it before.....maybe it works now?
  5. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    oh dang...well what site is most commonly used to host =D
  6. Volkv

    Sig Suggestions

    So i was trolling the forums and all as always now-a-days and i figured i mise well make a sig for myself so i downloaded PSCS2 (torrents ftw) and made this....plan simple and easy but its too plain...any siggestions? you all have great sigs so i figured i would ask
  7. Volkv


    alright i will check it out when i get home from school today...=D
  8. Volkv


    yeah i dont know much other then Wii tennis and zelda....dont know how to add other people Wii numbers or even find mine out =P
  9. my name is volkk in game! say hi! haha
  10. haha that would be rediculous but yet hilarious, then there would be a decent explanation for horde completley disapearing into thin air in the plaguelands, pre-bc....and agreed 100% bentley
  11. grrrr my school is so lame....they have the entire WoW website blocked on Novell...soooo lame i cant even trol the forums during school and if i "subvert security" a.k.a. use a proxy then i get a saturday and lose my interent for 30 days!
  12. agreed Vengeance is a little weak....any ideas on what madness will do?
  13. i still dont know what i will roll...guess we will see when it comes around....i'd like to play with all you guys that i know already though...makes things that much easier
  14. oh and este! i want to PvP with you~!~
  15. i think i have had a FP Forum relapse....i always find myself trolling the forums i dont get it....why is FP so addicting?!!? well hopefully i will be back monday if i get my lazy ass to the bank and get my account re-activated and transfered back to skullcrusher....anyone care to meet me in nagrand? we can duel to the death! muhuhahaha i will probably lose cause my fingers arent properly worked out from months of no wow...andway /troll FP Forums
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