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About Krotas

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/19/1989

Profile Information

  • Location
    Toronto, Canada
  • Interests
    playing with u guys!
  1. ew, I have to share a birthday post with felz? I demand a recount! <3 you guys
  2. sorry? why? and thanks for the input all! (late replies are ftw)
  3. Thanks for the input shad! Also very nice stuff you got yourself =D WTH you going to do with 6 gigs of RAM? play wow and hello kitty at the same time? =P
  4. So right now I'm running on a GeForce 8800 graphics card with a terabyte of memory, 4 gigs of RAM and an intel core 2 DUO processor. I'm thinking about upgrading to a GeForce GTX 295. I'll also be getting a new disk drive since the one I have now appears to be broken (I might also have to upgrade my power source; I'm not sure if my current one will be able to handle a GTX 295). I don't need any more memory and I figure 4 gigs of RAM will be fine for another couple years. Does anyone have any input or advice to offer? I want to be sure I'm getting the right stuff before I go spend all that money >.< Thanks!
  5. Yes but then they'd have to give the title to half the players on SC
  6. ..or the original for that matter.
  7. wtf is this bull? A contest that goes from California to New York and they can't include Toronto? Also according to firefox their security certificate expired two days ago and as such I can't sign up anyways. lawl
  8. Ever hear of it? It came out in 3.1 and only a handful of people in the world have it. Here's a summary of what you have to do for the insane title: "Complete Todo List: Kill Several Hundred Booty Bay Bruisers [depending on how many goblin quests you have done, it normal only takes about 5-600] Run DM north completing the 2 quests inside a total of 193 times. [max speed is 5 dungeon resets per hour] Collect 86 Librams [any combination] and the various materials needed to complete each of them Kill a few Sydicate And/or collect emblems to reach friendly Collect 2600 Heavy Junkboxes from pickpocketing level 55-60 mobs to get to exalted from friendly, 1405 if your at 11999/12k honored from killing syndicate. Collect Either 1480 Craftable darkmoon decks, 106 epic decks, or any combination of the two to reach exalted from 2k/6k friendly" If you didn't catch it from the above list, this is the achievement's requirements: Gain exalted reputation with: The entire Steamwheedle Cartel, darkmoon faire, Ravenholdt, shen'dralar, oh and get honored with bloodsail buccaneers - and don't go below honored when getting your cartel rep back. ...That's 40,000-60,000 gold in materials you need to farm, and hundreds of hours of grind time. Here's a link to a guide someone's making as he attempts to do this. He's been at it for about a month now and is 38% done (he posts his progress for everyone to see): http://brighthammer.guildomatic.com/forums...wtopic.php?p=98
  9. We raided last night and I totally owned face on the meters. Representin' FP!
  10. After reading everything you have done I have nothing new to offer except this: Many occasions in the past my monitor would stay black when I started up the PC, and I found that (for me) this was always solved by plugging in the power cable for the monitor into another outlet. Apparently I was shorting whichever one it was plugged in to, and switching it to another outlet fixed it instantly. Not much, but it's all I got =P
  11. Aw <3 So they tell me that when I walk into a raid I'll be handed food and flasks, and apparently they pay all of my repairs. At all times. Raid or not. Forever. Epic?
  12. Krotas


    I didn't see that one coming =/
  13. I've had a truly great time playing with everyone in FP (except Beorn), but sadly I have taken my leave. The uld 25 runs that shiki, myrevenge and myself were working hard to run fell into utter ruin (no one showed up!) and because I really want to see end game content 25 man style, I've joined lucid. All my alts are still in FP and I hope to still do 10 mans with the FP gang. On a lighter note, Lucid members welcomed me to their guild with a curse-fest in my honor, since they know FP doesn't allow it =P My time with FP was amazing - I leave with 100's of screen shots and terabytes of happy memories With much love, Keyknight Krotas Greg
  14. awesome, thanks!
  15. I took this 5 minutes ago =D I totally didn't want to wait for that stupid mob to circle around, so i dismounted mid-air and aggro'd him on the way down - he didn't take 30% of my hp xD
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