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About kaimera

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    Castro Valley, CA
  1. <3 evil dead trilogy
  2. kaimera


    Seriously este, i almost Loled to death thinking that you were leaving again, because only you could Leave not 2 weeks after rejoining the game. <3 este for life.
  3. Haha, gnomes are definately the greatest race.
  4. kaimera


    Greatest HW assignment EVER! LOL i laughed myself out of my chair.
  5. Heh you should of seen when i casted Arcane explosion....
  6. Hehe i did this on my mage, and i did shout out to the guild. though i cant get fraps to work on my comp i even got my key from it Lol
  7. I like! sounds like a lot of fun.
  8. LOL @ Turkey Story!
  9. http://www.zhra.net/data/media/2/rubix_cube.jpg Pwns the retawted kid. Compliments of Kaimera and Miraculix
  10. hehe Gots to love it.
  11. INTJ Dont remember the values. closed window on acci and am not repeating the test
  12. Nuuuuuuuuuuu Este! good bye hero of mine. best wishes in all you do.
  13. way to go muffled. stuff a foot in your mouth
  14. Is it 5 cents a day or less? if so i want to buy em both
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