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About Ezmira

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/13/1979

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  • Location
    WI, USA
  • Interests
    WoW, MMORPG's, Web design, computer repair, video games in general.
  1. track list: Stereo Love - Main Mix - Edward Maya, Mia Martina Calling feat. Audrey Gallagher - Blake Jarrell Remix - TyDi, Audrey Gallagher Fly Into The Night feat Aida Fenhel Antillas Dankann Mix Let Go - Nic Chagall Remix (Myon & Shane 54 Refill) - Mark Eteson, Aruna This Night feat. Audrey Gallagher - Original Mix - Filo & Peri, Audrey Gallagher Zara Original Mix The Gift Original Mix Under Your Spell feat. Kyler England - Duderstadt Remix - Cosmic Gate Nothing Else Matters feat. Ana Criado - Original Mix - Max Graham, Ana Criado
  2. Hey all. I just uploaded my latest mix. If you listen to it, please let me know what you think. <3 http://www.crazyfx.com/foryou.mp3
  3. For me anyway. Here is my first shot at mixing Drum & Bass. Have a listen if you like. Please comment if you do. i need feedback. Only way I learn and improve. Thanks =) http://www.crazyfx.com/dnb.np3
  4. Ezmira

    new mix

    right on. =) if any of you missed it my last mix was probably my best one yet. I still have it uploaded if you want it. you can get it here peeps.mp3
  5. Ezmira

    new mix

    New mix. Not great, not bad. /shrug it's different. Comment if you want, otherwise. here you go. http://www.crazyfx.com/slowngo.mp3
  6. Ezmira

    Easter mix

    here is the track list for this mix, as others have requested it. =) Veleventine - Safe (Wherever You Are) - Rank 1 Remix Reverse - Absolute Reality - Arty Remix Luigi Lusini - Who We Are - Original Mix Skytech - Solitude - Original Mix Shogun - Nadia feat. Hannah Ray - Extended Mix Arnej - They Need Us - Original Mix Trilucid - Departures - Yuri Kane Remix Cosmic Gate - Under Your Spell feat. Kyler England - Duderstadt Remix Matt Cassar, Most Wanted - Seven Days And One Week - Myon & Shane 54 Remix The Originators - Dizzy Days feat. Masmin - Igoda Remix
  7. Ezmira

    Easter mix

    Happy Easter everyone. So, last night, i had a pretty bad panic attack, probably the worst one i have ever had. So this morning, for Easter, i decided to record a new mix. A more uplifting mix. It's not perfect, but it's decent IMO. For those of you that are interested, here it is, and as always, Feedback is most appreciated so I can learn and get better. peeps.mp3 --Tim
  8. stang. she's that low because she is disc. Recount doesn't record damage prevented by shields. So if you use other meters that DO take those into effect she is on par. But when you are tank healing, and throwing out bubbles recount makes you look bad. She does fine.
  9. Here's my UI. Wish it was showing combat and target and what not, but oh well. maybe i'll take a new one tonight and post that.
  10. or bad ide cable connected to your drive, or a bad port on the mobo, a bad mobo, bad ram. there are lots of things that can cause file copy errors when installing. bad hard drive, bad ide or sata cable/port. just have to eliminate things one by one. obviously you don't have the same resources many would have to test stuff. so sure, start with the cd drive, and make sure you delete and re-create the partition during the xp install so it formats NTFS. do a FULL ntfs format, NOT A QUICK format.
  11. Happy Birthday Drake! Hope you have a fun day!
  12. thats what i get for posting right when i wake up. link fixed. damn typo's. ><"
  13. Hi again all. I made a new mix last night. This one is a bit different from most of my other ones in the sense that there are a lot more non-vocal trance songs in this mix. But, new year, new mix. I hope it turned out well. If you like, please have a listen and let me know what you think. I will edit this post with a track list later. Length: 1 hour, 19 minutes File Size: 112mb URL: Download new mix here P.S. I made this mix mostly for shad, since his mixes are much more non-vocal than mine were.
  14. Hi again all. As the topic says, i recorded a new Vocal Trance Mix MP3. I did this one completely on the fly, recorded live, unplanned. Which I have been told before is where I actually do my best mixing. I believe this is the case with this mp3. imo it is one of my best mixing jobs I have recorded yet. Some of the tracks are new, some of them are older tracks or ones you may have heard before (if you listen to vocal trance or one of my earlier mixes), but as I said, I did this unplanned and live and played what I wanted to play. Please, if you are interested, have a listen and give me some feedback. It's about 1hour and 12 Minutes in length, and is 99.8mb in size. Here is the link to the file: Stitches.mp3 and here is a track list for anyone interested: Still Remember - Jonas Hornblad Vocal Mix - Jonas Hornblad/C-Systems The Unknown - Original Mix - White Water Have It All - Original Mix - Sun Decade Waiting feat. Emma Hewitt - First State Remix - Dash Berlin, Emma Hewitt Ordinary Moment feat. Fisher - Main Mix - Filo & Peri You Walk Away feat. Audrey Gallagher - Original Mix - TyDi Close Enough - Noel Sanger Remix - Keo Nozari Biding My Time - Original Mix - Artento Divini Why We Run feat. Susie - Moonbeam Remix - Ben Preston Perfect Sky feat. Maria Nayler - Original Mix - Julian Vincent, Espen Gulbrandsen Change Your Mind feat. Kyler England - Myon & Shane 54 Remix - Sunlounger I Love You - Cosmic Gate Edit - Kyau & Albert As I have mentioned before, I purchase all of my trance, vocal trance, house, D&B, etc from beatport.com Thanks for listening, and thanks in advance for any feedback. <3 -Tim
  15. grats all. =)
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