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Everything posted by Ginn

  1. Shad grats!!! you definitely desereved it, that quest line isnt a cakewalk by any means! Darkmantle looks sexy!
  2. OMG thanks to everyone thats helped!!! another tip as well for healers/casters stock up majorly on mana pots and as much buffs as possible! there shouldnt be any down times at all, it is also handy to have a secondary healer pally/druids in the group as they can heal while priest drinks. FP FTW!
  3. nice, this is like a 40man strath im sure, yay pallies prolly have abit more role in this instance ! i hope they make more +holy damage on weapons (definitely benefit some of our abilities), im sure blizz will bring out more in the new instance. 'cus atm i think lightforge blade is the only one atm which is like a 50's sword.
  4. plus theyre only in LB gear? just thought u guys might get a kick out of it. Check it out! --> here originally from : http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...mp=1#post939634
  5. this sword has a 30% + proc that wut make it uber!
  6. aww i wish that too! cause shadowstrike/thunderstrike shares same model as flame wrath damn aurastone looks sick! drools*
  7. Ginn

    Epic Mount!!!

    grats man! the charger kick arse!
  8. JUDGEMENT <3 JUDGEMENT! ill never roll on lawbringer! Holy pallies FTW! ingame model doesnt look that bad for Wrath set granted they add all these tier sets auras.
  9. wow pallies look more like *priest in plates* now rather than *warriors that can heal*
  10. lol nice vid! my old build was actually geard toward reckbombing and it was heck fun, tho i wish i had the fully geared as that pally to make it possible to one shot. tho while i was reck speccd i found it not so suprising to kill 2 rogues at one time hehe. normally take 2 full charges or 1 full charge plus extra hits per rogue and the right timing. OT: now i find it more fun now to snipe wounded hordes in BG with holy/ret --> Holy shock + hammer of wrath!
  11. thanks again guys! Now i wont ever have excuse to be late! Extra special thanks to Nomadx for lending me some G and helping me all the way thru the pally quests! And sempher, whitehead and FP crew + evangelista/balbane/oyusumi!
  12. ur mean!
  13. thanks peeps! finally got registered for the forum! --->been to focused on WoWing i dont have much time even browsing the net!
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