The last seven days have been the craziest week of my life..... So last thursday I get a call from my dad saying that I had negative money in a checking account of mine and when I checked I discovered that there were several withdrawals of over $400 in Vancouver...I've never even been to Vancouver. So I have to go through all this security/identity theft stuff with the bank to get my money back. Then on friday I was partying and my friend's car got stolen and we had a heck of a time trying to straighten it out considering we were all just a little bit intoxicated and dealing with police and a stolen car. Then over the weekend I was supposed to organize this big event with an engineering club I am in and about 20 minutes before some people from U of M arrive (yuck) I find out that nobody did what they were supposed to so I freaked out and almost had an aneurism. I spent the rest of the day fixing the problem and finished the night off with more partying... I was undefeated in foosball and beat out a couple of frat boys 2 vs 1, with a naked lap around the house in the cold being the ante, it was awesome. Then monday right when I get home from class a house-mate bursts into my room and says "OMG Kat, Don fell down the stairs and broke his arm, you need to take him to the hospital. Now." Don catered dinner for us and it turned out I had to take him to Beaumont hospital in Royal Oak from Lansing because I was the only person available who was done with class for the day (for those of you unfamiliar with Mighigan that is a 1.5-2 hour drive). Then a few days ago apparently my roommates found out that I was thinking about maybe just buying 'Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying' instead of farming DM for the millionth time. Since they were planning to get that for me for my birthday they bought it for me then and their so that I wouldn't buy it for myself (happy early bday!). THEN last night, after having a pb&j sandwich I fell asleep on the couch, an hour later I was omw to the bathroom and randomly fainted and hit my head on the bathtub. It was not fun. We still have no idea why, I am planning to go to see a doctor next week. Then finally today I got to go to Onyxia with the best guild ever and get Quel'Serrar! I'm so happy Then I finished the night by getting owned by my two favorite paladins (<3 Ecth and Dez) about a million times and respeccing fury/protection. So yeah....I just wanted to share my super crazy week with you all and say thank you very much I love all of you. FPFTMFW! -Kat P.S. Ecth, I'll get you one day you just wait.