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About Ladyakira

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/17/1971

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  • Interests
    WOW-reading, music
  1. Ladyakira


    drinking i will guess
  2. Grats guys and galz keep up the great work!
  3. Wow good pics! It looks like u all had a great time! I LOL in a few of them beings that I had partied w/ u all before lol, except for some new faces! Glad you all had a good time!
  4. 12:10PM Is lunch time guys....if I was up there I would be at that airport !!! I would just take off the rest of the day, family is in from outta town unexpectedly =) to bad no one wants to come to Florida and get together w/ the Florida crew..../left out BIG TIME! Especially the ATL peeps since it only took me 7.5hours to drive up there =) <333333
  5. WB DEz!!!!
  6. HA!! Nice to put a face to the voice! I like the beard it does give a certain look......Honest Rave....thats so awesome!!!
  7. I am scared to try it, but would love to cuz I am tired of having the shiat all over my screen.!!!!
  8. Ladyakira


    I think this really fits, as I have been drunk in many ways on Tequila!!! and have pic's to prove some of it!!!! LMAO Good one
  9. I had to change the forum format over to the Linear+ because on one of Kaslors post it was wide and I couldn't read all of it so I had to redo in the options on the forums. ANd HYKOS are you sayin we are old???? cuz I am older than ready /cry
  10. I think you guys are doing an awesome job !!! I like the idea everytime I log in there is a different scene going on...keeps the minds fresh!!!
  11. Just wanted to congratz guys!!!!
  12. Yes happy birthday FP!!! I have been with the guild for over a year now and I must say it has been fun and I have met the most wonderful/fun/EYE POPPING peeps in my life. I am very glad to be part of this family. I know I haven't been on recently but I am coming back and you guys better be ready...cuz I will probably need some help LMAO I <3 you all!!!!!
  13. Hockey Go lightening!
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