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About Oragon

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  1. Good question, Some of you are already probably thinking of that. But he didnt really want to I guess... thats what he said, but I dont know all his reasons. Anyway, thanks for all the input! Good luck Prophets. /Salute Oragon
  2. Guys, Im sorry to bring this to your attention but I am going to be leaving the guild, to join my neighbour (in RL) and his journeys with WoW. Me and him will eithe rbe creating a Guild or will be joining one together that we both agree on. Now, I know that I know a lot of you guys and gals and are friends with most of you (hopefully) this will not mean this is the end of our friendship. I hope that I will continue to grow with you guys and be friends. I seriously have had an amazing time here in FP and will NEVER FORGET ALL OF YOU! I will always join up in your ventrillo to see whats going on and to see whats up. Im really sorry to see that I am leaving the guild, but it was me and my friends choice. Anyway, as of today I will be leaving and I hope to see you guys out on the Battlefield. If you guys feel the need to talk to me whenever I'd love to talk with you guys!!! So, I'll see you guys later and I hope you guys continue to do EXTREMELY WELL IN MC AND KICK SOME MAJOR BUTT IN THE PVP BATTLES!!! I seriously love you guys and FP has been the greatest experience so far in the great World of Warcraft. YOU GUYS ROCK! ORAGON signing out. Good luck guys. Oragon
  3. Same here Need some access
  4. Heres me, ladies and gents. http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/9639/joey34wi.th.jpg http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/3148/joey49ym.th.jpg http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/6553/joey13va.th.jpg http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/2604/joey8em.th.jpg ME OBVIOUSLY PICKING UP THE WOMEN AT THE PROM! http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/4905/nerd21de.jpg ME OBVIOUSLY READY TO PLAY WoW http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/8977/andrevnerdsized1sb.th.jpg
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