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Everything posted by Shikimaru

  1. *shows up with 2 hookers and an 8-ball*
  2. Beer! oh and I happen to make a mean monkey bread X =-D
  3. monkey
  4. grats guys =-D
  5. yah that was pretty badass KP, keep up the good work \m/
  6. hahaha thats badass
  7. Haha yah, its amazing what you can get people to do when you put a camera on them xD
  8. Hey guys back in September me and some friends went to an anime convention to do some interviews and armed with just a video camera and some booze we set off to see what we would come up with. Well here it is! Part 1 of 8: Lemme know what ya think.
  9. How young is too young?
  10. In case you've never seen it.
  11. I dunno who's in the right hand part of the picture but it looks like they're running away
  12. Shikimaru


    YAY fetchipoo uuugggggeeeeahhhh *makes fetch noise*
  13. Shikimaru


    Im pretty sure I was grouped in under Unkempt Beard aka Homeless Beard when i had my epic one
  14. Happy B-day Saffi~
  15. Shikimaru

    Jump on it

    Haha i'd actualy go to baseball games to see stuff like that instead of actual baseball xD
  16. Shikimaru

    Raid Times

    Ok guys this is the post where you discuss your raiding times. Make sure you use the server time and not Bangladesh time or wherever you may live. Here's a quick lil format thingy you can copy and paste to put in your hours. Feel free to use AM/PM or Military time, either way as far as Shiki is concerned it dont make no nevermind. Feel free to add notes such as: Wednesdays: 4:00pm - 11:00pm (unless there is a full moon out, then I can't raid) I expect to hear back from each and every one of you with a raider Tag, if i dont you will get a nasty-gram from me in the mail. Love, Shiki
  17. Shikimaru


  18. Shikimaru

    Time off

    Hey guys just wanted to let you all know my HD is failing on me and I can't run more than simple programs on my compy so I wont be on WoW this week, and next week I have classes starting and I wont be able to raid at all so I'm going to be outa the WoW scene for a while and the raiding scene for the next few months. Hopefuly i'll have a HD and be up and running this weekend to at least do the dalies i've been missing >.<
  19. I think someone should tell the story of where /famous came from. I personaly wasn't there for the "cult" meeting so I dont think i should =-P
  20. Gryph's Wife
  21. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FP!!! So here we are another year has gone by again and FP is still here and going strong. I'm not one big on speeches or these sorts of things so I'll just say I hope you are all enjoying yourself in FP and I can't wait to celebrate our 6th birthday will all of you next year.
  22. I'm Shikimaru and I approve these components for docking <(^_^)b
  23. Poo
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