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About Shikimaru

  • Rank
    Furbolg GM
  • Birthday 09/09/1983

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
  • Class

Profile Information

  • Location
    Atlanta Ga.
  • Interests
    WoW, anime, music, fire
  1. *shows up with 2 hookers and an 8-ball*
  2. Beer! oh and I happen to make a mean monkey bread X =-D
  3. monkey
  4. grats guys =-D
  5. yah that was pretty badass KP, keep up the good work \m/
  6. hahaha thats badass
  7. Haha yah, its amazing what you can get people to do when you put a camera on them xD
  8. Hey guys back in September me and some friends went to an anime convention to do some interviews and armed with just a video camera and some booze we set off to see what we would come up with. Well here it is! Part 1 of 8: Lemme know what ya think.
  9. How young is too young?
  10. In case you've never seen it.
  11. I dunno who's in the right hand part of the picture but it looks like they're running away
  12. Shikimaru


    YAY fetchipoo uuugggggeeeeahhhh *makes fetch noise*
  13. Shikimaru


    Im pretty sure I was grouped in under Unkempt Beard aka Homeless Beard when i had my epic one
  14. Happy B-day Saffi~
  15. Shikimaru

    Jump on it

    Haha i'd actualy go to baseball games to see stuff like that instead of actual baseball xD
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