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Everything posted by Klaudius

  1. Klaudius


    Man thats a windows problem, your desktop crashed, if you look in your profiles. you probly have one named like domain.username now. when it crashes it defaults you to the old profile and saves all your old settings in another folder, just copy everything into your "username " profile and youll get it back. just so you know more than 100mb on your desktop starts to crash your dt randomly I hope it helps . rock on \m/
  2. Klaudius

    FP haiku

    hey I am a druid I like to shift blast and run watch the horde get burn 5-7-5 ftw <bow> I wanna see more you guys all write better than me anyway, one of my other brothers used to do gangsta haiku. Now that was some funny stuff.
  3. www.alienware.com ask hothgar or gryph seriously. and if you want a laptop they start at around 800 bucks and the video cards on alienware laptops are changeable so if you want to upgrade later you can. all alienware laptops use pci-e video card bus too. hell for 2400 you can get an alienware laptop with DUAL 7900's the closest dell machine without 2x 7900 is like 3500 bucks
  4. Grats bro, im so glad you finally got it. cant wait to see your stuff in person
  5. That run was awsome, it was so fast, I was amazed! Awsome drops, great work ! -FPFTW ! -Klaudius
  6. omg thats so freeking awsome.
  7. Klaudius

    zg spider

    wow that spider was a crazy event, i wish i could have stayed longer to beat it. have we beaten the spider before? As a druid all i know is i had a choice between throwing the 1k heal over times on people (333mana) or decurse /abolish poison on people(100mana). when i did the abolish i think people took less damage. I still had a great time, i enjoy finding out new raid stratagies Thanks for settin g up the zg run i cant wait to do more. rock on \m/_ _\m/ -Klaudius
  8. thanks ! -Klaudius
  9. My brother is playing and is a level 40 protection warrior named Narmis. I remember hearing somthing that family might be allowed to app. Who do i need to talk to ? thanks ! -Klaudius
  10. found it
  11. Well looks like the bloodelves are not going to be a horde race. I just watched the movie, the following is a quote "the Blood elves turned away from their former comrades in arms" "their obsession to gain power at any cost has set them on a collision corse with the horde,and a destiny they could not have forseen" I didnt make that up. Watch the movie yourself on fileplanet. Im guessing they are the new enemy to fight in the old world and the outland. I wonder who the new races are going to be.
  12. Battlefield 2 NOV GRAND THEFT AUTO liberty city stories SIX PLAYER MULTIPLAYER! out tuesdayBattlefront 2 xmen ...etc i love the PSP
  13. Klaudius


    the raids I have been on with you guys are amazing. Ive been playing these types of games for like 10 years, and these raids are the best organized ive ever seen. Seriously I cant say enough how hardcore these raids run, its just amazing Rock on \m/_ _\m/ -Klaudius
  14. So you say your a rest specced druid do you ? You just found yourself surrounded by a Group of taurins. Well your in luck ! This is the way to get away step by step 1. after you get hit with the first frost shock. shake head and wake up 2. light off natures swiftness 3. hit f1 then cast regrowth 4. cast rejuvenation 5. at this point you will have a warlock casting dots on you. and another frostshock incoming 6. switch to travelmode. 7. run like only a druid can 8. switch in and out of travel mode to shake frost off, and to decurse. 9. when your not in combat, switch to cat mode. 10 stealth 11. after stealth takes, immediately turn 90 degrees right or left, 12 continue moving for at least 10 seconds. Cause they will run following the direction you stealthed in 13. find a bar and drink heavely Yea, this is how i get away 100% of the time, just figured its early morning and maybe this will help someone else. You guys rock -Klaudius
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