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Posts posted by Coeus

  1. I agree, some Zeratul-esque missions would've been nice!


    And they really are totally different than the other 2 races, I can't go back to playing the others, just feels weird.

  2. So... who here plays zerg?


    They my 'main' race I play, I definitely find them the most fun... but I find them a bit lacking in comparison to the other 2, especially Terran.


    Not major imbalances, but mech seems near impossible to beat, I just have to hope for them to mess up.



  3. Basically what Stang said.


    I also have a really hard time stopping them, but the simple solution is to not let them get that many. If you see them turtle, find a way to bust open an entrance before they're ready. Medivacs to drop stuff in, nydus worms, etc.


    If they do get them, as terran, some good viking micro can help. Vikings have a bigger range so they can sort of kite them. But mostly, a lot of marines. The biggest part of this is, scout out what they're doing, so you can plan ahead and switch as needed. To counter THAT many voids, you're going to need an even bigger mass of something, and you can't do that as they're knocking down your door.

  4. Rather than ban the happy meal, why not require them to have a healthy happy mean option? That way the parents can decide if they want their kid to have a burger or a salad. The kid would still get the toy either way and McDonald's would still get its money.



    Because that's a logical, moderate option. Obviously no place for that here, Gryph. 8)

  5. Some of the warrior changes (See: Inner rage) sound good on paper, but might play out in a weird way.


    Inner Rage (Level 81): Whenever the character reaches a full 100 Rage, he or she will gain a buff that causes attacks to consume 50% more Rage and do 15% more damage for a short amount of time. This is a passive ability so it won't need to be activated by the player. The goal for this ability is to provide a benefit for hitting max Rage instead of it feeling like a penalty. However, we also don't want warriors to feel like they're supposed to pool Rage and do nothing until they hit 100, so we'll be closely monitoring how this plays out during the beta testing, and making adjustments as needed.


    I really don't like the idea of something like that being passive. 50% more rage on certain abilities could be quite hazardous, and not worth the bonus damage. Either way, going to have to see how it plays out.



    As for rogues: I'm excited to see what we get. I'm really just hoping for something flashy and fun. Most of the rogue changes/new spells/etc in the past have been 'brand new attack! well... replaces an old ability, but does more damage!" And that's never as cool as warriors getting to fly through the air. 8)

  6. I'm kind of tired at the moment, so I'm just going to throw some ramblings out there :-D :


    I'm an Information Technology Specialist (Programmer) with the New York State government. I got my Bachelors and Masters (of Science) in Computer Science. I'm really loving what I do at the moment, and I think it really is a great field to get into, and it's ever expanding. Most of my current projects involve developing java-based web applications and systems programming.


    I didn't really 'pick' this type of programming as I was going through college because I wanted a wide variety, but given the choice again, I definitely would. Regardless of where you program, there are some commonalities:



    • People want easy and intuitive web-based applications to get things done in an increasingly paperless world.
    • Legacy systems written in COBOL (and other older generation languages) are getting rewritten in Java on a consistent basis.


    Doing either of the above can lead to an endless stream of work, which is a very good thing in today's economy.


    You'll get different opinions on what languages to learn, programming styles, etc, but it entirely depends on what you're looking to do - different languages are much better than others for certain tasks. The important thing, which I think my University emphasized well, was to learn a whole lot of theory first, and a wide variety of programming languages to a lesser degree, as opposed to mastering 1. Once you know the basics, you can pick up a book and spend 2 weeks to learn the syntax/details of a new language pretty easily.




    • Pick up some books on the basics -(these were always my favorites http://www.deitel.com/ ) and see what interests you the most, get familiar with the stuff you've forgotten, etc.
    • Once you get back into it, if you're looking to get a job in the field, do something that makes you stand out. Try coding independent projects, developing your own tools/programs, anything that can put you 1 step above the other 1089273091283 programmers looking for the same job.



    Personal bias: Java all the way. Web development is fast, fun, and pretty easy.


    Feel free to ask any questions


  7. I found this again the other day, from way back in vanilla WoW. This was (and still is) my all time favorite WoW-related video. Back when paladins were the undisputed red headed step children in WoW and were viewed as buff/heal bots, this was created as a spoof regarding the 'paladin CM' on the official WoW forums.


    I figured some newer people may not have seen it, and some old timers may like some nostalgia. Enjoy:


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