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About Kibai

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  • Birthday 02/08/1991

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  1. Happy Birthday FP!!!!!!! <3 Thanks for the last 5 years!
  2. Kibai


    Update! Last saturday was Cardboard Kickout 3, a jam held in Kalamazoo at Western Michigan University. It was a 5v5 competition that lasted about 7 hours, awesome alllll the way through. I made a crew just for the event with 4 other members of MSU BBoy Club, we didn't make it to top 16, but I was satisfied just to get out there and battle again. The winter kind of ran dry with jams here in MI, but spring is packed with them, so loads more videos are on their way. Here's the battle vid, I'm at about 2:31 in the yankees jersey. It all went well until the spin out XD, I just had to mess up on battle day.
  3. Kibai


    Thanks a lot guys <3 The Fatback Band- Spanish Hustle, ShadShad!
  4. I see Shad posting his mixes, Dez posting his life update, etc. I figure it's been way to long since I've checked into the FP hotel since my WoW leave. So I want to say Hello and <3 to you guys! College has been eating up my time, but I'm loving MSU so far. Just days before school started, I ended up stumbling upon MSU's Breakdance Club at one of the fall welcome fairs(september). Bboying was always something I've been fascinated with, but never thought to try, but I felt like this was my chance. Since then, I've been at it day and night, I'm in love with the art and I've even had the chance to compete at one of MI's recent jams. Here are a few short practice videos I'd love to share with you guys! http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=...60851&saved http://www.facebook.com/video/editvideo.ph...0851&ref=mf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxkqQkdVBVA The tight pants impair things a bit, won't make that mistake again lmao. And that's what I've been up to! How are you guys?
  5. Dez!!! Where you at man!? I'm finally up here in East Lansing! I'm in Butterfield(Brody Complex) with all the other freshmen!
  6. Kibai

    Wow Astrology

    /<3 Bel lol
  7. Kibai

    Wow Astrology

    Aww man, I'll just wait for it.
  8. Kibai

    Wow Astrology

    Where's the DK section at? : O!
  9. Grrr Garble Grr grr Sigh Cry!!! Squeeeeeeeekkk

    <3 U Justin!! Come out of stealth!!

  10. Dear Kibbles.

    I wuv j00s and misses j00s.

    <3 GG <3

  11. I'm really excited to see how this turns out. At first I thought it was just Blizz taking the Lazy route; but revamping Azeroth, making it all flight compatible (bringing worth to/further establishing certain places we could never reach on foot), giving life to zones in lore that we never got to see, etc seems (though I couldn't say for certain) like a lot more work than making a continent from scratch like in the previous two expansions. and /bigbadwolfrace go!
  12. Kibai


    Lmao Honki "You guys don't think you could write "Ballin' " on the cake could you?......You could?"
  13. Kibai


    Just finished High School, Dem! Thank you guys for all the grats! lol Stang, is that a good thing? It was finally time, Trenton! 3 years was enoughh, I want to go swimming again! My sister's boyfriend just told me that a few days ago, Ebiscuit! I'm trying to find the semblance Aww GG, <333333333, not nearly as so as your child! I actually just saw those summer pics on FB and I was like " Man, I haven't heard from GG in foreverrrr".
  14. Kibai


    Well, Stang, you said to do it on that status comment. Here we are! Before: After:
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