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About juniorx2

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  1. ok cool
  2. juniorx2


    I just reinstalled msn. Seems to fix the issue. Im on now.
  3. juniorx2


    Esteban!!!!! I cant atm. Msn keeps crashing along with me computer
  4. Esteban!!!! Your leaving us???? You planning on living there or going there for a vacation?
  5. I was picked YAY! only cause of all the beta videos i did for wow beta. I no longer play wow so i gave it to my bro. He said its really really good. Blood elf city looks cool
  6. Amish paradise was always my fav alongside "the saga begins" BUT.... i love the new white and nerdy video.
  7. I gave up wow. Found it too time consuming. Although, almost everyone i work with has a wow account so its hard to try and forget about it lol
  8. hehe, Mralien2, my secret account.
  9. juniorx2

    4 Years UCA

    dont forget FakCanadian! Poor guy was training in the Israel Defense Forces around the time he met us and joined our guild. Hes probably fighting in the middle East conflict right now
  10. juniorx2


    heh, i actually quit warcraft several months ago, found it too time consuming with my work schedule. Turbo still plays everyday. Hes on balnazzar(sp?) on the HORDE Side? :/
  11. juniorx2

    4 Years UCA

    lol, loved how you started the thread esteban. hilarious! "4 years ago a group of nerds"
  12. juniorx2


    Hehe, a coworker showed me that few days ago. When i worked in customer service for comcast we get atleast one call like that per week. Last week i listened into a call where a customer was telling this agent he believes terrorist are hijacking his modem and sending profanities through it. Hes been calling in atleast 3 times a day for the past month according to the notes on his account.
  13. heh, hey guys! Still visit this site alot, just dont post to much. Grats on AQ!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AwX9sHVw2I...&page=1&t=t&f=b I found it funny. there is a small introduction in another language but the video itself shows one player and his first time playing super mario 1.
  15. juniorx2


    WoW, Im surprise that twistedwounds still got them there
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