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Everything posted by Willas

  1. We were on Smolderthorn when NA brought Nef down and the buff ended up being the same as onyxia's buff.
  2. Haha! Thats just great
  3. Peace Oragon! Enjoy yourself
  4. Reagents for a 15 minute buff would be so damn expensive though.
  5. Hate you? I personally think the paladin set is the one of the best looking if not the best set in the game excluding rogues
  6. I'll probably be getting the game soon so I'll play you once I practice up a bit
  7. Thats so damn funny
  8. Straight from Blizzcon! Druids and Hunters http://svc002.wic379dp.server-web.com/images/news/wowxp14.jpg Shamans and Paladins http://svc002.wic379dp.server-web.com/images/news/wowxp17.jpg Warrior http://svc002.wic379dp.server-web.com/images/news/wowxp11.jpg Rogues http://svc002.wic379dp.server-web.com/images/news/wowxp15.jpg[/img]
  9. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4458/81005zo.jpg
  10. Willas


    Have fun bro
  11. Being in Full Lawbringer/Judgement would not help him since his set only has 74 str on Lawbringer and a whole 0 str on Judgement. True, the rogue probably isn't much but you have to give the guy credit
  12. Gratz Ben!
  13. Crappy video quality but here is Reckoning at its finest. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...&q=one+shotting
  14. I saw Masternarf in AB a week ago. He is in The Apothesis and doing pretty well from the looks of things. Btw, Nice shot Loofa
  15. Willas

    Buff Up Folks

    Awesome job Mir Now if only blizzard would let us use those +int potions...
  16. Willas looks into the minds of the gods and finds that double Judgement Crowns will drop.
  17. Willas

    FP on ST!

    We've already got some people up around level 8 so it looks like it could be fairly active
  18. Gratz. The mount is so much more worth it after doing the quests then simply buying one
  19. Yay, This game has been missing something since he left and now we can get it back, lol.
  20. I'm pretty sure he is off in university and has little time for WoW although he was going to return in September I guess it fell through.
  21. Exist put this together for all us former UCA guys. Enjoy and remember what once was. http://www.pisschrist.net/uca/Exist2Inspir...ribute%2005.wmv
  22. Willas

    Sumic Go Poof

    Bye Sumic , hopefully Smolderthorn will be good to you
  23. Willas


    Our favourite Troll mage, Xanthium, the creator of the guild progression thread is leaving WoW for a while Which means our /famous will be lost forever Whole thread here: http://www.eminentguild.com/modules.php?na...pic&p=5089#5089 Now we must remove our hats in a silent prayer
  24. Oblivion, nothing else
  25. Haha! That is so kick ass
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