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About Beornwarrior

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/24/1986

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  • Location
    Savannah, GA
  1. I went to SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design) where I got my degree in Game Development. It's definitely a solid school but it's private so it will cost you quite a bit. The curriculum contains a fair amount of traditional art with the major leaning towards the art side as well. The amount of courses really started to expand while I was there into programming, level scripting, writing, etc. Since I graduated back in May they added a more programmer/design based track which I really would have wanted to take. They offer pretty much everything online through eLearning/Blackboard. http://scad.edu/interactive-design-and-gam...pment/index.cfm A lot of good student games come out of USC and Digipen but I'm not sure they offer courses online (Digipen is absurdly expensive as I recall).
  2. I just ran across this and I think it's pretty fun; plus you're helping out all those unfortunate kids... or well you're just helping Google Images but that's more important anyways. The concept is that you're shown a series of images over the course of two minutes and have to input labels relevant to the image shown (can't match a list of vague words). At the start you're randomly teamed up with someone else from the internet and try to get matches to score points. More points are awarded for originality and the faster you match the more images you get to label. It's simple, quick, fun, and addictive in the same vein as TextTwist or really any of those text games. I love Google. Google Image Labeler
  3. That is amazing.
  4. I watched the trailer for 9 a couple months back and it certainly looks enjoyable. On the subject of interesting looking films with 9 in the title I'd also recommend checking out District 9. It's a documentary style low/high budget sci-fi flick produced by Peter Jackson. The overview of the film, quoted below, is certainly interesting. http://www.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/district9/
  5. I love the Japanese.
  6. Happy Birthday you 2.
  7. Happy birfday! If I were a slogan machine I would right something else. If I had graduated the third grade I would have spelled write right. Wait! No I wouldn't have spelled it right because that's how I already spelled it. I would have spelled write the right way by spelling it write. That's right.
  8. I completely forgot that I did these. Such a good idea! I'm kind of embarrassed at how happy my tone is in the other necro'd loot thread. Excluding the fact that we aren't raiding atm these would be difficult to do now with how much pugging and 10 manning is going on.
  9. Beornwarrior


    An unfortunate choice of words in your first post Corkie but the PvP in IF was most certainly enjoyable. I play on Squeeshmee now and was death gripping you away when Rosh was like "OMG it's MF Corkie!" An old school FP raid on the Ogrimmar gates sounds fun atm.
  10. I don't know anything about cars but that looks awesome!
  11. wtf what have I ever said to offend anyone in FP? douche. Maybe I can read guild chat now without it having to tell me your 10 achievement points per minute. Have fun and get some gear in Luicd! =)
  12. happy birfday
  13. Beornwarrior


    Been trying to think of something clever to say but as usual I have failed miserably. I will not simply say Happy Birthday and walk away! Hopefully you'll enjoy this. A couple of games done in the Quake Live Online Whatever engine. Velociraptor Safari, Jetpack Brontosaurus, and Minotaur China Shop. No better way to waste time then mixing Dinosaurs and mythological creatures with jetpacks and plates. http://blurst.com/
  14. That is quite a long list.
  15. There are those of who have pet bunnies! I kill every snake I see though so...
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