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Everything posted by loofa

  1. you should like totally watch this video. =D
  2. That crazy catchy song (full version, video with the group) Loituma - Levan Polkaa / Leva's polka The Lyrics \/\/\/\/\/\/ Loituma - Levan Polkaa - Lyrics So do they look like what you imagined? Finland FTW!
  3. http://www.microsquish.com/funstuff/graphics/datingservice.jpg
  4. loofa


    marbas was begging me for buffs last night while i was jumping around town in Stormwind last night. . ."give me buffs," is all he said to me it was kind of weird and somewhat annoying but meh i gave them to him anyways. he doesn't seem very ood at first impressions or second now that i read this, lol
  5. Is Enigami Unconquered?
  6. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~rhsieh/images/eclipse.jpg
  7. http://www.cnn.com/US/9605/14/newsbriefs/power.outage.jpg
  8. Remember when the Sentinels all came and ripped open the Nebukanezer, i think it was the ship it took out not the EMP field. lol http://x0b.xanga.com/d4d85b0b51c3116594013/w11943374.jpg Uh oh he's eating your chicken nugget. =P
  9. [item]Serathil[/item] and [item]Bludstone Hammer[/item] are now in the bank for your buying pleasure. =D
  10. Druid - Enigami Rogue - Shadrende Priest - Adrastos We downed this 60 Elite guy in the Dire Maul PVP arena and it was super fun and I thought a few people might enjoy this if they've ever attempted doing it I'm sure they know the lvl of difficulty he is. Luckily we had no opposition. http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/1272/3downrazza6nq.gif
  11. loofa


    welcome back =D
  12. loofa

    Hope is emo

    /bump for vanin
  13. loofa

    Hope is EMO!

    I posted this already =P
  14. http://upupupuppup.ytmnd.com/
  15. you can see me on my horse clear in the back hidden by bugs =D
  16. loofa

    Bear Bounce

    craig kilborn is a stud =D and that clip was pretty funny.
  17. w00t that was a fun fight. great job to everyone who attended =D
  18. loofa

    Hope is emo

    One episode so far but its still funny. I hope the next episodes are jsut as good. www.hopeisemo.com
  19. loofa

    Net Neutrality

    I thought we all should be interested in this. You know how it is when ISPs want you playing Ever Quest II, because they are lining the ISP's pockets, instead of WoW and then they start to limit your WoW bandwidth to encourage you to play a different game, like Everquest II. Well . . . thats what could happen if Net Neutrality isn't kept around. Do some research, get involved, check it out.
  20. You rembered their RL names I hope . . . lol awesome pics guys looked like a lot of fun. Salt Lake City needs to do a dinner again soon.
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