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Everything posted by loofa

  1. loofa

    It's that time

    Happy birthday guys!!
  2. i found a neat way to fold clothes linked at the end of that movie.
  3. what did gg post? i can't tell what it is.
  4. oh man i have to clean my room!!
  5. you mean the "?" icon you used in the topic?
  6. loofa


    no mine aren't that fabulous but i'm not too far off.
  7. loofa


    none of you will be on my friends list you are all on my guild list =P
  8. Put your RL picture in your profiles, OMG!! I only see 1 other RL picture so far so have some fun get crackin' on posting your picture.
  9. loofa

    SLC Shooting

    Wow! We leave SLC and the young boys start to shoot people. Crazy!
  10. loofa


    the people are the only reason i play too. yay!!
  11. . . .lots and lots of pr0n . . .
  12. loofa


    Honki you are in my top 5 list of Atlanta people to . . . Yay I'm done packing time to ship stuff Thursday!! Friday is reading time on the plane. I can't wait for the adventure to begin. "You are not prepared!" keeps coming to mind. See you all soon.
  13. Ben doesn't flirt with his own class (some rule he set for himself) he likes to be flirted with though so, Bentley, flirt with Ben.
  14. I think its just me and Gynis who take part in the fun of kicking the alts people haven't logged on to in ages.
  15. still not legal though. hands off.
  16. loofa

    BC BC BC!!!

    krotas is probably wondering if my avatar has nemesis legs on . . .
  17. loofa

    BC Week

    nope, i'll be working normally.
  18. loofa

    Pray for me

    how about the turtle god?
  19. loofa

    Happy New Year

    see ya next year =P
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