Ruin 60%... not so bad oh contrair. PvP the name of the game is burst dmg,so shadowbolt crits, conflag crits, and the like were allowing warlocks to kill people Ruin was the only thing making warlock gear great. Every +dmg item you got made your crits that much better. But now why bother? the same goes for Improved shadow bolt and using curse of shadows? why? You no longer get the "insane burst damage" for a lucky crit run. So now you have to find some other way to win. what is it? it's sure not crits People dont die because you're constantly doing damage to them unless they have no mana, so the name of the game is BURST DAMAGE, A warlocks burst damage comes from two places Fear: while someone is feared since they have no recourse you can almost consider it burst dmg everything you do to a person while feared leaves them unable to respond till after Oh but fear doesnt work anymore thanks to WoTF, Berzerker, PVP trinkets (obtainable in less than 4 hours of pvp), and the armorsmith trinket. BUT WAIT fear can be dispelled as well. DECURSIVE FOR THE MOTHER FUCKING WIN Since fear doesnt work you spec ruin and blast away and pray for that crit that will send your oppenent over the edge But wait, Dots go faster? heard of "Decursive" no such thing as dots in group pvp unless you fight retards And the smaller the team, the easier time to remove them So warlocks, seeing that their DoTS were useless in pvp, and that they had no defenses to speak of became shadow mages. It didnt hurt them in Raids it actually helped! Dots werent getting knocked off because there wernt any! and Warlock dps went up! We contributed! Resists are fun right kids? Conflag buff About fucking time seriously 31 point talent?! oh but why get it? at lvl 50 it does a whoping 540 dmg with a ruin crit (not with curse of elements) That's alot of damage instantly right? well too bad that's with OLD ruin (and not calculating resists) The devs in their infinite wisdome decided warlocks were doing too much damage with shadow bolt, so they nerfed ruin, therefor nerfing all warlock damage spells Good luck getting critical self heals that save you with deathcoil now! OH WAIT Deathcoil can't crit! Because that would be overpowered right? Soulshards The unholy bastard child of blizzard Warlocks did too much damage in beta so insted of nerfing our abilities we were introduced to soulshards no one complained because, we still owned, just for shorter periods of time then all the soul shard spells were nerfed to be equal or LESS THAN EQUAL with comparable spells but the shards were kept because AND I QUOTE "a neat game mechanic" So warlocks still have the farming without the power People ask me to duel on my warlock, My response is are you going to help me get my shards back? Class Original talent state Developer response Druids Restoration owned OTher two trees buffed Hunters marksmenship owned Other two trees buffed Warriors Arms owned Other two trees buffed Warlocks .... Really liked the talents Soul link, ruin and nightfall Soul link and ruin nerfed Warlocks dont get treated the same. They are the red headed stepchild of world of warcraft The developers hate them or just plain dont know what to do with them. Affliction used to be the worst tree, Now its the best. Not because it was buffed, but because the other trees were reduced in usefulness How does your guild plan to kill garr with no warlocks? because that's obviously the next step There are some warlocks who will tell you these changes are great. Sadly they have been beaten so much, are so abused, that any attention is good attention to them. Pity them, they need your help. One last note: I like eyonix stopped playing my warlock when I noticed the developers no longer cared. Perhaps they will once they can't kill Garr. Or need to walk back to their corpse after every wipe (NOTE not an attack at eyonix I just wish he told the rest of us) Yeah it's a 20% nerf If someone would like to post the math of the sliding scale of the nerf please do