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About Vladdamyrr

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  • Location
    Burlington, ON
  • Interests
    Vids - Computers - Outside :)
  1. hmm the patch looks cool....a little nerf to warriors....and a little to Beast spec Hunters (sorta) Beastial wrath does less dmg...but last longer....but frenzy does more dmg lol
  2. LOL I am at 79% and going fast!!
  3. 76MB
  4. Vladdamyrr


    I am just goin to watch a movie here at work to pass the time Today's showing is Fifth Element Have fun gaming though
  5. Vladdamyrr


    Aye my wife and I watched the 1st season in 2 nights lol....so ya we are hooked. Great show I would certainly recommend it! We're just waiting for S2E10
  6. Aye we all know RL > Wow. There will come a day when a lot of people will make the same descision. Best of luck to you ....you know where to find us all Cheers!
  7. W00t w00t thank you!!
  8. Aye very nice...and fast compared to the Blizzard version!
  9. I second that notion lol
  10. No this can't be true LOL....that two headed ogre would prove to be the best challenge for players. Especially when it coes down to leveling
  11. LOL that is awesome. Too be honest with you I would have to try that one out lol
  12. I guess there was some inner conflict in the guild. Some people did not like the way things were progressing. I don't want to talk smack on forums, but if you want to get my opinion please message me in game. I think I made the right decision. I would not feel comfortable being there when all the people I played with before I joined were gone. So ya GL Mistica in your future endeavours! Cheers! -V
  13. BTW....no more dual guild for me. Just thought I'd let you know. Cheers!
  14. Tripodd and Holistic
  15. Here ye Here ye. Can someone please give me access to the Members forums lol Tripodd is a member ...not sure about Holistic Vladd .....well he may be a merc in the near future lol Cheers!
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