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Everything posted by twigs

  1. was like that * lol <3
  2. Never I want to see shaman with is friends shaman doing that to me , omg . Check the video , you will see . I saw like that x10 when i saw that . Gore plz dont do that . /me love you lol twigs http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...rld+of+warcraft
  3. the 1st min are so laugh ... whatever . you will see http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=82...rld+of+warcraft
  4. omg a French canadian FP . like me es tu le seule sur ton coté ? . moi oui
  5. Zelda is my favorite game , so I will buy too
  6. I find that video , I dont know if that will interest... some1 but I take a guest. Is made per Impervious . http://files.filefront.com/Imp_4Horsemenke...;/fileinfo.html
  7. Grats Jr. I'm so happy for you. Now take more sleep!! =P /salute twigs
  8. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=37...442992632&q=wow
  9. http://tralamurloc.ytmnd.com/ i laugh when i see that.
  10. Awe!! Stang. This zone is in Wetland ( North east ) and is there I farm for some Red Dragonscales for make the danm Chromatic Cloak .
  11. Awesome Exist. great job !!
  12. Hi everyone, I left the game for maybe 2 weeks , and I'll be back in 2006!!. For everyone Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. And careful !! Dont drink If you drive and if you are Drunk . Call a friend . I would like to see everyone in the New Year. Take Care Twigs
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