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Everything posted by Stricnyne

  1. Ohhhh what's up Mr. Legend?!?! He is correct... casual wedding... no tux or anything like that.. I had on khakis and a button up but everyone else was shorts/polo.. it was really fun! I heard blizzard made some changes, some for good, some not so much. I was going to burn a scroll of ress on my account and just say hi to everyone, but my brother is the guardian of my authenticator, so yeah...
  2. Its all good man!! I couldn't be happier!! I almost caught a case of the wow bug earlier this week and fought off the urge to get my authenticator back from my brother. I just wanted to say hi to everyone and see what's new and exciting, feels like years since I posted >.> So what's good with you brother John??
  3. What up?
  4. Just wanted to say hi to everyone.... so hi!!
  5. Stricnyne


    i have GH3 for PS2... I just got PS3 recently.. Call of Duty 4.... go go go!!!
  6. Stricnyne


    Incoming friend request from Striknyne.. Dan... do you not have a PSN ID?
  7. Stricnyne


    Anyone else out there PS3 at all?? I recently aquired one and have been playing a bit of COD4 and others.. just figured I'd see if any FP play from time to time... oh yeah... HI!!
  8. this is true... as soon as I get down the first part of hammers on DF I will have it.. after the first 30 seconds it's childs play..
  9. .. anyone other than me complete everything (save dragondforce) on expert? I finished on tuesday but just got a chance to sit down @ my PC.. /gloat
  10. Stricnyne


    if you decide to play add me to your friends list... "Whore9" or my alt "Axemurdererererer"
  11. nice desk ben..
  12. ... silly bishop.. real guitars have 5 buttons... strings.. pfffftt... and thank god dragonforce is on the extras.. I wouldn't want that in the regular line up... I'd never get my battle axe but thanks for the info Alex... I'm going to get all the songs on that list I don't have downloaded and start my research now.. ./FP guitar hero champion '07
  13. Stricnyne


    srsly.. Beorn just won the internet...
  14. ...www.monthsago.com
  15. ohhh... i love these people.... i just took the smelliest sh!t in the common, single bathroom of our small office. How's that for a going away present?? assholes. I really want to f*** you, even though it is a terrible idea. I know you're all into tai-chi, and I don't mind the uber-queer karate hummel things in your cube, but if you don't tune off the flute wafting over mt. fuji music, I'm going to lose it. You're not the karate kid, and if you were, that movie would've had a very different ending. Possibly the best decription of my job... ever I'm working from home today and not doing anything. I'm tired, I'm bored of this job, and I hate the people I work with. But the pay is great so as long as my sales are up no one needs to know I'm slacking.
  16. OH MY F------ GOD!!! I can't stop farting. I'm completely full of methane and fart every 2 seconds. It's gotta be this job. I'm at the point where I can't even hold it in anymore and I'm sneaking them out. Unfortunately, my pleather desk chair accentuates it and makes them sound unreasonably loud. Everyone here thinks I'm the fart guy now I'm sure...but I could care less. I hope I stink up this shithole to high heaven. Maybe I'll take a nice dump on my boss's desk.
  17. Stricnyne

    FP Quiz

    /high-five felz... ohhh boy.. those were the days... i remember walking into MC the first time w/ FP... I had to respec frost and ghost made fun of me.... my 1st day in FP was the first mag kill.... been droppin' bosses ever since... coincidence??? i think not
  18. /bump for the Mag video
  19. I could raid by myself cuz my brain is that fantastical!!!! seriously tho.... that would make me feel like a jedi.. Lucas arts better jump on that band wagon quick like!!
  20. Stricnyne

    FP Quiz

    I did lose a 50g bet to Gryph on who would finish T2 first... sonofa!!
  21. ... speachless
  22. I wanna play... wut dat be http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/6098/oneoneonevv1.jpg
  23. /bump for tidewalker
  24. a youtube actually worth watching??!?! WTF.. that is not normal for these formus.. good find Bishop
  25. Help me obiwan kanobi... you're my only hope...
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