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Everything posted by Sicbo

  1. Sicbo

    FP AB Ownage

    yea gear hlps but its also the players...kobah and stric prolly the best mages ive played w/ in terms of decision making...soma and the daghostmaker were great at ninjaing...miz and REinhard for their leet hunta skillz...esp rein who can defend stables by himself...gryph and beorn for their tankage...and stang was great at leading...and all the pallies =P... and Klaudius for taking amplify magic for the team... mostly i think it was the communication that made the difference and playing ur characs the right way. id luv to do this on a nightly basis cuz i want my grand marshall staff =P
  2. Sicbo

    FP AB Ownage

    was fun to pvp wit all those that were in it...all yall got skillz esp the pallies that heal =D
  3. Sicbo

    FP AB Ownage

    tonight was lota fun we kicked some major horde ass we won like 15 and lost 3? FP has AB on farm status we gota do this more often =) gg
  4. Sicbo Dwarf Paladin 8 Daggerspine Sicbo Human Mage 60 Skullcrusher
  5. boo 65
  6. still 5th =\
  7. ooo #5
  8. Sicbo


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