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About ragnaw

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  1. ragnaw

    who part 2

    When I left you all this is the ending of who? While eating at the table I saw something I never seen before oooooo im sorry I cant eat this what is it its so bad. HUH you night elves always eat these there called RABITS. Im sorry sir I said I dont mean to be rude. However I grew up with Orcs. I new i was differnt but I didnt know how. And so now the storie goes on. Grew up with ORC?? What are ya talkin about KNWONE LIKE YOU KNWONE DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Slamming down his glass of spirits. Now tell me your name NOW! sir they call me Ragnaw sir. RAGNAW??? OOOOOO I know who you are but it cant be it just CANT! I know who your familey is I knew them anyway. Please tell me more I said. NO NO no time no time we most travel come we have no time to sleep. As we was heading out the door a short little man stood outside. HI ya friends What are you doin here Lurken? We have to leave. Where you headed the short man said. This here is RAGNAW now you know where must go. OOOOOO NOT THE RAGNAW? Yes him now move out of my way you little GNOME! Who was that? I asked confused He is a stupid short gnome who likes to make my life hell. How? I asked How HOW HOW he yells. He gathers my fur and sales them how ever he also SKIMS frm the top if you know what I mean. He however is verry dangerous xply to those taurens. OOO my friend is a tauren. HA HA HA HA he says to me chilling me down to my spine. TAURENS have no friends NONE! awe I suppose those trolls have takin there side. HHHMMMM wait till they find out just wait. We rode into the night. What will happen next we will know in part 3 . to be continued............ Now I am considering all the other endings I want this to be a 10 part storie so let me know how u like the plot so far.
  2. ragnaw


    ITS ME RAGNAW My mom adopted me and raised me with the orcs. I grew up playing in the yard while my brothers got to play any place in the woods. Mom tol me it was not safe for me to go out in the woods. "The UNDEAD will eat you" she would say. It was about fall that year I went along with her for a walk down to the apple fields. She warned me that both of us hade to be carefull. Well something strang appeared in the shadows saying "I am going to eat your son!" No my mother cried NOOOO she sayed RUN! Well I ran so fast that soon I was lost in s snowie part of a mountain area. Hey what are you doing here I heard a voice. Awe your a night elfe hhhuhhh What are you doin way out here? said someone. Hello hello I said scared. I am a dwarf hunter Malikies is me name. Now what are ya doin here? I told him that I was going to be eatin by a undead when he aimed his gun and shot toward me blood apeard on the ground that undead was accually dead. WOW you killed him. You saved me YOU SAVED ME!!!!!! Are just in a days work. Now lets go eat. While eating at the table I saw something I never seen before oooooo im sorry I cant eat this what is it its so bad. HUH you night elves always eat these there called RABITS. Im sorry sir I said I dont mean to be rude. However I grew up with Orcs. I new i was differnt but I didnt know how. To be continued........................................................... If anyone has any ideas on wich way this story could go please feel free let me know how ya like it also :}
  3. ragnaw

    My songs

    I am just havin fun :} I love to have fun FUN FUN is what I have alot of it and knowone can take it from me KNOWONE!!!! OK OK OK maybee my job or horde or awe awe never mind them just have FUN@@!!!!! NOPE YEAH LOL Any way I dont sing this to EVRY guild. OOOOOOOO GOSH I hade to work all day today and yesterday and when i get tired I like to talk about nothing. So to keep this conversation going let me ask you all what doe this mean. Unogotpie mean>?? can somone figure this great ridle out.? Ok I hope to c ya all soon miss u all see ya later. OR OR figure this out IHAVEGOTAWETNOSE what is this? lol ok ok enough c ya :}
  4. ragnaw

    My songs

    OOOOO I wanna write you all a song here it is. ok it was 3 songs To all th guilds I loved before, Who I traveld in and out there door. I am glad I went along this song is For the guildies Ive known before To guilds who are not together anymore. Those who have changed my life mmmmmmmm To all the dreams we dreamed. To Dark Syndicate who was my very first DAOC guild, To Cenuri Fidelis who was my second guild these guilds was great but now for them its way to late. YYYYEEAAAHHH I dedicate this song for all 15 guilds I been with But now this song is almost done because I am part of the very best guild mmmmmmm. :} Ok that song is over. NOW FOR ANOTHER :} This song is for Exidos, Sumic, Alyn, Rocked DID I ever tell you, YOUR my heros yyeeahhhh Ragna could fly higher than the gryphons if you was the wind on his wing, Ffffllyyy high in the sky RAGNA almos touched the sky mmmmmmmmmmmm you you you let me flyyyyy woooooo Ok this other song is for the rest of the guildies Lean LEAN on RAGNA when your not strong ILL help ya carry on Yaaaa Cary on Because ragna will have problems yyeeahhh I will need a hand WE ALL need to lean on each other Sometimes in our lives we all just need RAGNA for it wont be long I wil lean on you PROPHETS yeaahhh sing it with me you know the song mmmmmmmmmm lean lean lean yyyeahhhhh. WWWOOOOOOO ok ok ok thats all for now I hope you like and rember not to have a bad day good night eeryone our awesome I love ya LOVE YA WOOOOOO!!!
  5. Oh my its
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