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Everything posted by Grif

  1. Grif

    Patch Notes?

    the site patch notes and the acctual ones aren't the same. Only differance I noticed were the warrior changes, though i think alot of the mage stuff changed from their posted site notes
  2. Awesome Job FP, we are truely 1337sauce
  3. Grif

    Patch Day

    It's patch day boys and girls, so get ready coz were about to be invaded by the evil scourge. Get those mats ready coz Naxx is here and we gotta get attuned and make our own armor, coz just running the instance is no longer good enough for blizzard. Woot! Patch Day be ready for extreme lag as raiding guilds pile on for Naxx.
  4. So I show up for work today, he gave me friday off and had me call sunday, but he never replied to my message so I'm assuming everything is good. He tells me to put my stuff in his truck, so I assume that I'm just gonna be working with him today, ok cool, works for me. The shop is a little outta town so were driving back in and he says, where is a good place to drop you off I tell him, and he says here is your cheque, I'm not gonna need you at all anymore, Your last cheque will be in the mail, so I get out and drives off. No sign of being close to fired at all. He said I wasn't getting along with the Guy I had been working with thats a lie, and he also said they gave me a long time to pick up what I was supposed to be doing and I never got it. Thats a lie too, pushing the mower was fine i thought i was doing great, sure there was the occasional time when I might of missed a spot or it might not have been perfect but I always tried to go back over them. Yes, my trimming wasn't perfect, but it was getting way better It took me a while to get the hang of it but I thought I was doing really good, I guess I wasn't perfect. But then again I'm only human.
  5. wow looks great, i love the new avatars. Looks so good... But they have me wearing might, i mean... thats just so uncool, spikey shoulders are so much more ftw
  6. I completely Agree dez my boss typically keeps me working till like 8 atleast meaning i miss the start of all our raids... boo urns
  7. ZOMG!! You can see me in the movie. But more importantly you can see me TANKING in the movie /famous
  8. Great job FP!! What are those bugs half of you seem to be riding?
  9. Grif

    G2 and Synch

    Theres nothin better then a good night at the bars, but it was new years eve and we didn't really feel like trying to get into something, so we just hung out at a friends. I miss School/Guelph and all the Bars and going downtown its good times. haven't done much since getting home from school... maybe I will hit up a bar this weekend... hmmmm
  10. Grif

    G2 and Synch

    So I finally go around to posting something like this, I'm sure your all wondering how hot I am, and how scary Synch is well wonder no more. http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/thedarKforce/CloseupofPete.jpg This is Synch, he is a little Drunk http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/thedarKforce/Me.jpg Me, aka Grif, aka G2, mmm Beer is quite Tastey http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/thedarKforce/MeThinking.jpg I am thinking about something http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/thedarKforce/MeandPete.jpg Me and Synch who is just a little drunk http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i24/thedarKforce/LakeandPeteImholdingpeteshead.jpg Synch Completely gone, I had to hold up his head for this pic
  11. http://www.mnpublius.com/evolution.jpg
  12. but the lion will eat the piggy b4 the humans can, they are tricksy them lions
  13. http://www.exzooberance.com/virtual%20zoo/they%20walk/lion/Lion%20485061.jpg
  14. Grif

    Important Poll!

    I gotta go with fruit loops here on this list. Though I am partial to Corn Pops personally
  15. http://simiolsons.com/scottsblog/uploaded_images/BBQ%20ribs-767472.jpg
  16. http://www.concept-websites.co.uk/bullet-proof-vest.jpg
  17. http://plaza.ufl.edu/shanli/album_files/Las%20Vagas/100_6191.JPG
  18. http://www.grapplearts.com/Images/Gretzky%20skating.jpg pwnage, the greatone needs not silly fitness club
  19. awesome job guys! FPFTMFW!
  20. Hilarious you will laugh
  21. OMG SO GOOD!!!! ..... i wonder what all the new dance moves are gonna be..... and the #1 question for all b.net kiddies thinking about rolling Blood Elves .......Will they flip? I gotta tell ya, can't wait to grab my axe and be able to go elf hunting muahahahaha!
  22. Grif

    Alliance Race

    blizzard has been delinking and doing mad damage control like all day
  23. Congratz man
  24. It was a Good Game. Back and forth the whole time, though you go lucky on a couple of those goals. And I have no Idea what Alfie was thinking in your end witht the empty net, he shoulda shot it instead of stay at the boards. Go Sens!
  25. that works The 3 Gryph/Grif's!!! hmmm now we just need a slogan
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