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About Gunitmidget

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  1. Hey guys, Many of you guys may remember Gunitmidget/Wrathofnight since the days of Classic when the guild first started. Initially invited by Miz because of real life connections, I came to know you guys pretty well. A couple of my friends and I are looking to start playing again, does anyone from Pre-BC still play? Best regards, -Wrathofnight
  2. Now they work and Miz your mad because you can't do that
  3. The only two pictures of me but I have more and post them http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/2825/m8ddf1b3694ada084b8831d7wq.jpg Old school style haha http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/8410/m5f21766140c4bb9be4ff515fd.jpg Frontside 180 it just looked cool
  4. haha skaters I'm a skater to
  5. Gunitmidget

    Xbox 360!

    Mine (Gunit and Wrath's) is t3h ub3rly 1337 add me I play ghost recon and Call of Duty 3
  6. hooters is fun
  8. You guys say one thing about my sis and I will kill you!
  9. First I climbeb some things in the mages quarter http://img78.imageshack.us/img78/3479/screenshot110106155402yt6.th.jpg Then I made my hands glow http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/8338/screenshot110106155815sj2.th.jpg http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/718/screenshot110106155818mh6.th.jpg Gotta do my sqaut jumps Then took a ride on the Gryph but ended floating there http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/1561/screenshot110106160131gq8.th.jpg -Gunit
  10. I see you like Miz that much ahahaha I like the screenie of all that crazy gear. lol Meko
  11. haha I did that once loads of fun Gratz on getting down there!
  12. you had a Gunit charcter haha
  13. Well Wrath has decided he is going to quit according to him. Well he said he will play every now and then soo he will check up on FP every now and then. He just decided to quit because my mom would get mad that we played a little to much so he went and became a mamas boy haha jk well he is quitting but for me I will stay but since I just got into high school I will only play on weekends so I won't play much. WEll Wrath has had a ton of fun playing with you guys and wishes you guys well. I am just doing this because he is lazy and letting you guys know soo GL. But I am still here.
  14. I have always wondered where is that first place?
  15. If i school you in soccer will it make you feel better just kiddin <3 amitesh
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