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Everything posted by Pandalaerian

  1. All I can say in response... is *giggle* I'm stealing that and having a friend of mine make me a new Pandariffic sig. Woot! EDIT: Notice the new shiny avatar... with my tabard...
  3. Yes, I'm a nooblasaur, but I figure it's only fair. Please, be nice! EDIT: Link is not working!!! Click for not tiny pictures. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/6666/girls4bh.th.jpg http://img179.imageshack.us/img179/4026/mered0bu.th.jpg
  4. Too late... I joined after you went to bed You're stuck with me now
  5. That's the thing... I -AM- too good to be true... =D /ego_off
  6. Pandalaerian

    Hi hi!

    Just wanted to introduce myself! I'm Alaerian (or Ayslin if I feel like being an Alt). I'm a priest on SC, and I'm homeless! Well, guildless for that matter. Ceridia is doing everything in his power to get me to join FP, so I though I'd at least come say "Hi hi" and see what kind of... interesting responses I get. The old guild was full of enough drama to supply material to Days of our Lives for 3 years, so I bowed out of that. They'll tell you they kicked me, but the GM can go play in traffic... while on fire... FP might be my new home, but I'm just kind of laying low for a bit... I've got to recuperate first! I'm a girl IRL (24 years old), so I've been crying for 2 days to a guy I know because they suck and were assholes. Eh, Ceridia makes me feel better though. Yes, it's a game, but I'm an emotional girl... and I like pink... and peanut butter... So enough of the rambling. Here's the stuff you WANT to know: - Alaerian, 60 human priest - Full Devout, ALMOST full Dreadmist (missing only mask) - Bunches of other good gear I swap out for different sets (mana pool, mana regen, PvP) (also - just got my +22 Int on Trindlehaven -- WOOT!) - Fully buffed, either 376 SPI and 8400 mana or 320 SPI and 8700 mana (depending on which gear set I'm wearing) - Keyed for Onyxia, MC, BWL, and UBRS - VERY SEXY epic mount... so I can run away from the Hordies - Proud owner of a Tiny Emerald Whelpling. Got lucky, and it dropped after only 20 minutes of farming. I have a zoo... I love the pets - 31 Disc / 20 Holy. I am a healing GODDESS I'm pretty much on all the time... because WoW is like Crack... only cheaper. Drop me a /tell bomb if you need a priest, or just want to admire my Emerald Whelpling. And don't believe the terrible things Ceridia will say.
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