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Everything posted by Pandalaerian
Just wanted to pop in and say Hi. Grats on the Sartura kill -- she's not easy to get down until you figure it out, smack yourself on the forehead, and say a big fat "DUH." You'll have a hell of a time with C'Thun after you get over the shock. He's a tricky boss but a crazy fight and HELLA fun! (Have fun in the stomach, and watch the laserspewpew!) Having a good time on Mug'Thol. Still a priest main, but I have a 60 hunter who is damn well geared now for an alt. Also a 60 Undead rogue on Maelstrom (I know, I know! I still feel dirty about rolling Horde!), an abandoned 60 Warlock also on Maelstrom, and a mage named Macaroni on Demon Soul, one of the new servers. MiSTiCA disbanded, as some of you might have heard. They let the server get to them, as 80% of Mug'Thol is Archimonde refugees. Apparently, being an asshole was the cool thing to do. Fortunately, I got out before things got really bad. Is Miroku still playing, and has he caught up on the pets yet? If he doesn't have the Spirit of Summer yet, then HA! I'm beating him Stangypoo, the love of my life, it hasn't quite been the same w/o you. =P Stric, I got you into this guild dammit! I'm suprised the server still exists; I half expected that you would have nuked the whole thing by now. Garnok, WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?! Esteban, my favorite Columbian drug lord. I need your mage-ly wisdom. Vibe it to me, please kthx. Beorn, I love you to death, but I am scared of you with the big shiny-ness now. Hykos, how's the horse? I think I 1-upped you, because I'm almost to the Wintersaber. Now you need a ram to make me look bad! Dez, /lick. That is all.
I hereby pass down my title of FP cheerleader to Whispera
I'm a tricksy one, yes.
No, not me Runehammer Clan is officially leaving SC for ST. Check out their front page. ... unless it's some elaborate hoax.
As much as some people would disagree, I thought NA was pretty classy as a whole, unlike the aforemention Purple Dragons! I'll miss them. On a brighter note, the mass exodus of people to Smolderthorn may give us a chance to attempt the outdoor raid bosses -- Azuregos, Kazzak, and the 4 new dragons! Last night we almost formed an attempt to kill the Hinterlands dragon, Ysondre (I think?). However, we were bested by Immortality. I'm looking forward to the day that Immo makes an attempt, only to say "Damn! Those Forgotten Prophets beat us to it!"
I'd just like to say that we are now, officially /famous. http://img312.imageshack.us/img312/329/fpfamous1rd.jpg
Great... now we get spam on our forums. *sigh*
Therein lies the problem
Nah... I'm just screenshot happy
I laughed my ass off when I saw that yesterday. Erlin, I would expect nothing less than you sending that to someone.
Never fear! Panda saves the day! I screenshot EVERYTHING. So, for your enjoyment, let us all reflect on our record. http://img420.imageshack.us/img420/5712/record6ac.jpg
But wait... Erlin can't lead... ... are you tall enough to climb onto the throne??
Where'd I get 500 points from? Is it from my infinite knowledge concerning all things peanut butter? Am I winning???
its okay! you're shiny!! I DO believe that your shiny-ness factor can offset that.
No that's druids. Yall just shield hearth with your tail between your legs :- p Hykos - 1 Siege - 0
Hykos, I love you I think I might marry you instead of Esteban, now.
One thing to mention, though, is that heals don't take into effect the direction you are facing, Prime. Therefore, If you are 28 yards behind me and not in my visual range onscreen, I can't see those +'s; I simply see that you are dying, or near to death. Since most of the healers pay little to no attention to anything but health bars, most won't be looking out for people that are bandaging. However, if I DO see someone that's bandaging, I don't heal them, as they are already doing it themselves. Healers, I'd like to propose a challenge. Prime has proven to us that people ARE bandaging themselves. We need to use this to our advantage! It would be in our favor if we did pay a little closer attention to those around us, to see who is doing what, before we slap a Flash Heal or a Flash of Light on them. Perhaps a different arrangement of CTRaid onscreen can assist with this. I'm not saying to abandon or be sparse with the healing -- that just leads to silly deaths and carelessness. However, if you see someone bandaging, just cancel your heal. Save your mana. Keep the MT alive longer. Kill the dragon. And get the phat lewtz.
ohh well when you say the same things on vent and in raid chat and on the forums during all the raids, it tends to get a bit confusing as to which specific one ur talking about. so ur talking about every raid in general? gotcha! (and also ur original post was in the post felz made about the domo fight ) my bad. if i sound bitchy i dont mean to be, lack of sleep and a head ache...are prolly getting the best of me. Yes, I probably should have explained myself a little better in my original post... although it might have gotten a little lost amongst my 3 bajillion other words. (Note to self: quite typing so much!) The fight for Domo has proven itself to be quite different from anything we've faced before. Obviously, we can't use the same strategies as we would for most of the other fights in this game. However, we still need to clean up our healing strategies for the rest of the game. -THAT- is what I was getting at.
No worries, Whisp. Today just seemed to be a strange MC day, as we couldn't find enough of our pally friends! Normally we have more than enough to go around, and even a few extra waiting in the wings. Despite oddities such as our 2 pally run today, I think we're in pretty darn good shape.
Just to clear things up... My mile-long post... ... wasn't for the Domo fight.
I appreciate the help, as do a lot of other people, I'm sure. However, perhaps we don't want to be Vindictive. We'd rather be FP. Is it so wrong to do things in the way that works for us?
Felz, thanks for this. Healers, we need to step up our game! We have done an amazing job up to this point, but it's only going to get harder from here on out. We have been a little sloppy in some of our fights, and unfortunately I think that caused a wipe in several cases. There's several things that we can do to make ourselves even better, and to aid us in progressing through this stuff faster and easier. 1) Mana pots are a MUST. I know that there are several people inhouse that can make them. Off the top of my head, I know that Miroku can make them. I will be able to in just a few points (Levelling alchemy back to 300 for the second time is NOT fun! ) One thing that most people DON'T think about is uses for pots. They don't always have to be used in emergency situations. In fight such as Domo today, we had priests running out of mana left and right. I heard several people say "use a potion!" We have a relatively good idea of what to expect from this fight now. It's long, and not a lot of fun. If you pop a Mana pot when you have NO mana left, you have 2 minutes before you can pop another one. What if you pop that mana pot as SOON as you are down 2500 mana? That brings you back up to almost full mana, and starts the timer immediately. By the time that 2 minute timer is up, you'll need another pot. 2) Since my quest for reputation with Darnassus has come to an end, I have found myself with bandages once again. Yes, I'm a priest, and yes, I have 2 stacks of Heavy Runecloth bandages on me for Molten Core. I bandaged myself 4 times today during the Domo fight, when I wasn't needed on healing. Why waste my mana on myself, when I need that mana for our tanks? Even though we can heal ourselves with our mana, it's extremely important for us to be able to heal ourselves in other ways -- bandages, pots, and potions that assist with Mana Regen. 3) Speaking of Mana Regen, this is a very key issue in long battles. Essentially, there's 2 ways to go -- either high SPI, or high INT. I have 2 sets of gear, one with high SPI, and one with high INT. With my spirit gear, I lose about 900 mana... but I end up with about 430 SPI. During breaks in which I need to regen mana, I equip a Dancing Sliver +20 SPI. That nets me a loss of 1400 mana total, but puts my spirit at 468. If I use the Sunfruit Juice from AD (which I ALWAYS carry), I'm at 483. When my SPI is that high, I regen mana extremely fast, which puts me back into combat a LOT sooner. In MC, a priest that has 6500 mana and high spirit is going to be a lot more useful than a priest with 8500 mana and low spirit, for the simple fact that the high SPI priest will be able to regen so much quicker, and therefore be in combat a larger amount of time. I am by NO means telling people what to do, how to spec, or what gear to get. However, there are a few things that are relatively easy to obtain that can have a dramatic boost in the amount of SPI you have. -- The Dancing Sliver is a GREAT (and free!) quest reward. Granted, it is a rather lengthy quest, but it's extremely simple. 2 of the quests are done in an UBRS raid, and the last quest requires a 5man Scholomance. However, if you throw a +20 SPI on that, it's FANTASTIC for your downtime, as you can weapon-switch in combat. -- Gizzard Gum from the Blasted Lands quests. The only downside is that it's unique, so you can only have one with you. The best thing to do would be to down this RIGHT before the boss fight, when we are fairly confident that we can take him down. -- If you are Revered with the Argent Dawn, Blessed Sunfruit Juice is an invaluable tool, as it gives a +15 SPI buff for 10 minutes. Since it's also water, it's great to drink right before a boss fight. [/url] 4) Healing rotations really are an invaluable tool. We go through the first step, but that's about it. In the Magmadar fight (just as an example), since we have 6-7 priests, they should not all be going out full-force from the beginning. What happens if shit hits the fan, and all the priests are OOM? We've had it happen before, and we wipe. A better strategy would be to keep 1 or 2 priests out of the healing order at the top, in order to relieve the priests who go OOM first. It would need to be logically set up, in order to try and keep an Inspiration priest on the MT at all times (if possible). Also, this gives us an out if things do get out of hand, because we will essentially go from being down 2 priests, to having a full force. Obviously, not all of our fights will be as straight forward as Magmadar, but it gives you a general idea. 5) I have to repeat myself here. SPI really IS key in MC. Just had to throw that back in. **EDIT** I just have to laugh. I started composing this RIGHT after Felz posted, so other people have posted while I was writing. Little did I know that we'd be posting the same things.
After 520 stacks of runecloth, 1600g, and a horse that I wasn't quite happy with, I finally reached Exalted with Darnassus today and got my epic Tiger Mount! Thank you SO much to everyone that sent me runecloth or let me buy it from you. I couldn't have done it without the help. <3 http://img282.imageshack.us/img282/134/exaltedrep2mk.th.jpghttp://img198.imageshack.us/img198/858/tigerriding0uy.th.jpghttp://img237.imageshack.us/img237/237/mountedtiger5en.th.jpghttp://img345.imageshack.us/img345/2181/cat13bh.th.jpg http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/893/cat20fb.th.jpg http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/7113/cat31ys.th.jpg http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/2184/cat40iu.th.jpg http://img345.imageshack.us/img345/7639/cat51zc.th.jpg