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About Volcar

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  1. http://www.w3.org/ That's where I started. HTML, PHP and db knowledge. Those are your main 3 to focus on.
  2. Hope all of you have a great day!
  3. Just wanted to say Grats on all the progression kills! I'll be home @ the 1st of December! I'm pretty happy for that one and so are the Mexicans.
  4. Volcar

    E3 trailer

    a ps3 for blu ray alone is enough ... its the best on the market. o and there are a few games.
  5. have fun KP.. I'm up here in freaken Norway! where the sun never sets.. it's nuts!
  6. ..lol
  7. healbot.. I just started using it.. Why?
  8. Volcar

    Who knew..

    .. Powerthirst
  9. Volcar

    Windows 7 OEM....

    Shean I'll put up my ftp site... you can dl it from there. 7 ult.
  10. I used to play ff.. it was my fist mmo! I wish they had limit breaks in wow..
  11. Here's my UI..
  12. I had the same problem a few months ago.... my net was laggy as all hell and all of my HD channels were jacked.. go go comcast... after 2 straight weeks of calling them, they finally figured out it was the corner post that was f-uped... since then my net and hd has been grand!
  13. I had trouble with my account getting hacked Tuesday. All is well now, ordered my authenticator that afternoon.
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