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About Healarc

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  • Birthday 07/10/1960

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  1. Healarc

    Raid Times

    I enjoy our Tuesday raids. As far as the rest of the week, I do a 10 man on Friday's, other then that I am open to any night. I do like the idea of doing something on the weekends though so I can get some of my alts into other raids for what it is worth. Healarc
  2. Healarc

    Raid Times

  3. Healarc

    Alts and Raids

    Hey guys, I am curious to better understand the rules regarding alts and raiding. Right now it is my understanding that alts are not able to receive loot in the 25 man raids. What would be the incentive to bring in alts into the guild? I know it was mentioned that people are not online except during raids and this may be a major reason why. They are raiding alts either in different guilds or in pugs. So, in my mind the rule seems counter productive to keeping an active guild. Maybe a solution would be to schedule more alt runs to get more alts into the guild?? Any thoughts? Mike Healarc
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