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Everything posted by tnak

  1. o yea... Renee, feel free to continue /humping tnak... its a french dude now so dont get too freindly with him =D
  2. Hey guys, recently my life took a turn for the worst, and i needed money more than the enjoyment i got from killing my spare time on WoW... I really appreciated being accepted to guild and being allowed to help you guys progress. Special thanks to Susungrim for originally asking me to apply, Serrenity for the great raids, and superior hospitality, you are a great person, and everyone else in guild, its truly the best guild ive ever been in through years of WoW. Unfortunatly over past few days i have decided to call it quits, and my account is now under new ownership ( oh god, if i get the WoW itch in 2months ima be pissed i did this hahahah).... anyways probably good idea to just remove Tnak from guild. Again im sorry, you guys are all great, wish i could clear ICC with you all.Hope theres no hard feelings, you guys were great to take me in and let me progress with you. Gl all, in game and irl
  3. okay this sucks.. i totaled my car otehr night, drunk like an idiot, crashed into a mailbox and a tree.... luckily only broke my thumb, thank god for seatbelts... im really fucked right now, im honestly considering selling my Wow account, i cant pay for time at all now.. by the time i can ill be wayyy behind in the new content with you guys... really not sure what im going to do, looking at my options... sorry guys
  4. Being the holidays ive been spending alot of time with fam, and mostly with my sister whose home from Cali... i had not been on Wow for days,I planned to just sign on only for raid times while my sister was home so come teusday raid time, i open wow only to find im out of Account time. So im sorry about not being on, i am not going to go buy time this week, its not on my priority list. still pretty busy for the next week or so til the sis goes back home, shes draggin me with her to see every last family member i havent seen in years, so im not gonna be able to get around to gettin account time. gl, cyall soon
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