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Yeah, we have been doing this in healthcare for a while. It's continious compressions at 100 bpm, with no pauses for respirations unless there is a second rescuer or ALS is implemented. I teach both BLS and ACLS, and this has been official for about 2 years and is now making it's way to the general public now. As an interesting side note, the BeeGee's song 'Staying Alive' is almost exactly 100 beats/min, so it's a perfect training song to practice compressions to. Isn't that fun? lol.
The distant booming of the Horde war drums was beginning to wear on Private Thogrum Bronzebeard's nerves. He nervously tugged at his armor, and checked the placement of his equipment for what seemed like the hundredth time. His crossbow, slung across his chest, was cocked and a bolt laid in place. The breastworks prevented him from seeing anything in front of him. He glanced behind him, at Lieutenant Strongaxe, who was calmly reading yet another dispatch from the command. Lieutenant Strongaxe was young, barely five years older than Thogrum, but a seasoned veteran of the frequent border clashes with the broken remnants of the horde. He glanced to his right, at Sergeant Hammerlock. Hammerlock was up on the step, peering cautiously over the top of the breastworks. He glanced down, and grinned at Thogrum. “Buck up lad. Ye look like someone just killed yer cat!” Seargent Hammerlock was old. How old, no one in the squad knew, but he had seen his share of battles in both the Second War and the subsequent skirmishes with the remnants of the horde. He carried an enormous axe, of intricate work, that had a thousand tiny scars, scratches and nicks all over it, as did his armor. He was, in short, one of the most thoroughly intimidating individuals that Thogrum had ever met. Lieutenant Strongaxe cleared his throat. “Ok, troops. Listen up. Intel from our Gnomish allies in the air reports that the Horde forces in this area are disorganized, mostly tribal remnants that missed the sweeps after the war. They have been raiding our outposts for supplies, and fading back into the hills. We are going to hold the defensive line here while our cavalry drives them towards us. It's the old hammer and anvil, boys. “ This line drew a few grins, as almost every one of them had grown up playing in and around the smithys of Ironforge. The young officer looked at the paper in his hand, and continued. “ We suspect that these are mostly Frostwolf Clan Orcs, and that makes them very dangerous indeed. I don't want any screwups today. Keep 'em at range, and don't let them close in on our perimeter, or the Cav boys won't be able to reach them. Sergeant Hammerlock, anything to add?” “No, Lieutenant. Just want these boys here to remember their training, and remind these orcs here what happened LAST time the orcs crossed axes with the forces of Ironforge” Lieutenant Strongaxe nodded. “ Indeed, Seargent. Indeed.. Take your positions, the cav sweep should be starting momentarily” The Horde war drums in the distance abruptly stopped, then resumed, at a faster pace. Boom, Boom, Boom. It seemed to match the pounding of his heart. He wondered if this was what his father had felt, waiting for the Horde forces at Dun Modr during the seige. In the distance, he heard screaming, a chilling howl that shook him to his core. Sergeant Hammerlock was yelling. “Up on the breastworks boys, UP, UP, UP! Crossbows READY!” Thogrum scrambled up onto the parapet, and leveled his crossbow over the top of the fortification, along with the rest of his squad. He stared out at the onrushing mass of...Well, something. The dust obscured his vision, but whatever the Horde was throwing at them, there were a LOT of them, and they were moving fast...really fast. Sergeant Hammerlock was muttering under his breath next to him. Thogrum risked a look behind him, down into the fortification. Two humans, a man and a woman in long, flowing robes had joined the Lieutenant, as well as another heavily armored dwarf, and were discussing something. An armored hand slapped the back of his helmet, and Hammerlock snarled at him: “PAY ATTENTION BOY! Eyes forward!” Thogrum snapped his head back around, and the dusty, fast moving cloud was close, maybe a hundred yards away. He aimed for the center of the cloud as he had been trained and waited for the order... “ FIRE” Hammerlock roared. Hundreds of crossbow bolts sang out from the dwarven lines into the dust cloud and disappeared. Nothing seemed to happen....Thogrum re cocked his crossbow, and placed another bolt. Again the order came “ FIRE” Again the bolts flew out, and disappeared into the dust cloud, and nothing. The cloud was maybe fifty yards away at this time, and seemed to be accelerating. Distantly, Thogrum heard Lieutenant Strongaxe shouting. “ Get their heads down Sergeant Hammerlock! “ As Hammerlock turned and screamed for the dwarven soldiers to get behind the parapets, Thogrum heard a strange chanting. He ducked and stared at the two humans in robes, as they stood chanting in unison, with swirling energies building around them. Suddenly there was a tremendous blast of heat and a roar from the other side of the breastworks, followed by a blast of bitterly cold wind, and then another blast of heat. Thogrum's ears were ringing. As his hearing returned, he realized that he heard...nothing. It was dead quiet. He cautiously stood up, and turned back towards the parapet, when suddenly something hit him bowling him over, and knocking him off of the step, and rolling him backwards. Something snarled in his face, reeking of sulfur and venom. He shoved it hard and instinctively rolled aside, pushing himself up onto his hands and knees. The beast, now in between him and the humans, snarled again and lept for him. The flash of an axe blade caught it in mid leap, and it fell in two pieces on the ground, twitched, snarled and died. Shocked, Thogrum looked up at Sergeant Hammerlock, who grinned at him and extended a hand to help Thogrum to his feet. As Thogrum stood up, the two humans and the dwarven officer came to where the pieces of the beast were laying on the ground, now starting to dissolve into a foul steam. He stared at it numbly. The humans exchanged a glance. The male human spoke. “Their numbers appear to be far greater than we thought. We need to report this immediately.”The woman nodded. “I agree. This needs to get back to the Archmage as well. This information needs to get to the council.” She then spoke to the dwarf that had accompanied them. “ General, report any further sightings of these beasts immediately. Do not launch any attacks and be prepared to fall back if needed. Our forces are not prepared for this fight yet. There are far greater forces at work here than the scattered remnants of the Horde.” The stocky dwarf general nodded gravely. “It shall be done, milady.” The mages, for it was now clear that they were magi, nodded, turned and headed for the rear of the dwarven lines, escorted by the dwarven commander. Thogrum looked at Sargent Hammerlock, and tried to force himself to speak. “Sarge, what was that thing?” “ I don't know, Lad. I've been fighting the Hordies a long time, and never seen that sort of beastie. It looks a bit like the tales me father told me of the demons from the First War, but I thought that all the people who could summon those were long dead.....” Lieutenant Strongaxe nudged the lumps of disolving flash with his armored boot. “ They may not be as dead as we had thought, Sergeant” Thogrum looked at Lieutenant Strongaxe. “What does it mean Lieutenant? Were those Battle-magi? ” “ It means, my inquisitive little private, that something big is coming. And yes, they were Battle-magi, and they don't appear unless something is about to happen.” The Lieutenant looked down the line of soldiers, now starting to peer over the parapets at the legions of slain demons on the field in front of them. Sergeant Hammerlock spoke: “ I think it's coming again.” The Lieutenant nodded, still with a distant look in his eyes. “ I agree, Sergeant.” “What's coming Sergeant?” Thogrum whispered. Sergeant Hammerlock roared with laughter, and slapped Thogrum hard on the back, his armored hand clanging off of Thogrum's own armor. “ Why, War, lad. War.” Thogrum looked up at the parapet, and saw the smoke rising into the sky, and heard the drums begin to beat again. He drew his axe, resumed his place on the breastworks, and began to wait.
Full Name: Nicknames: Date of Birth: Age: Race: Gender: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Height: Weight: Place of residence: Place of Birth: Known Relatives: Religion/Philosophy: Occupation: Group/Guild affiliation: Guild Rank: Enemies: Likes: Favorite Foods: Favorite Drinks: Favorite Colors: Weapons of Choice: Dislikes: Hobbies: Afiliations and Loyalties: Positive Personality Traits: Negative Personality Traits: Adventuring Companions: History:
Full Name: Thogrim of Ironforge, of the Bronzebeard Clan Nicknames: Thog Date of Birth: Unknown Age: Unknown Race: Ironforge Dwarf Gender: Male Hair: Brown Skin: Light Tan Eyes: Grey Height: 200lbs Weight: 4'10 Place of residence: Ironforge Place of Birth: Dun Modr Known Relatives: Parents: Deceased. Siblings: Three. Father: Killed in the Second War during the Fighting at the Thandol Span. Mother killed soon after the end of the war on assingment for the Explorers Leauge. Thogram: The third of four brothers, Thogram is currently in training to become a priest of the Light at Northshire Abbey in Elwynn Forest. Thogrum: Thogrum, the second of four brothers and Thogram's twin, Thogrum is currently in warrior training in Ironforge. Thogren: The fourth of four brothers, and Thogrim's best friend during childhood. Thogren followed Thogrim into the Order of the Silver Hand and became an ordained member of the order. He fell during the battle for Lights Hope Chapel. His remains were never reovered. Thogrim mourns his loss to this day. Religion/Philosophy: Thogrim is a follower of the Holy Light. He is an ordained member of the Knights of the Silver Hand. Occupation: Healer/Physician. Thogrim's faith lead him to a life of helping the needy and tending the sick and wounded. He also learned the traditional dwarven skills of mining and at an early age showed great skill and promise with a hammer and anvil. He is an accomplished armorsmith. Group/Guild affiliation: Thogrim is a member of a loose coalition of adventurers known as the Forgotten Prophets, having joined after his younger brother Thogrum had contacted him and told him that these allies might be able to help him in his assault on Icecrown Citadeal. Guild Rank: Initate Enemies: Thogrim bears no one ill will. All his anger and dislike is reserved for the servants of Arthas, the undead. Scourage, Forsaken or mindless ghoul, all are equal in his mind and all are to be destroyed. He has a healthy dislike for the Scarlet Crusade and their tactics for dealing with the undead. Likes: Thogrim likes good food, espically roast Clefthoof Ribs and beer, a good tale of glory and advanture over a roaring fire told by friends and a good fist fight now and then. He also like exploring, wether it be riding his Alterac Battlecharger over Strange lands with the wind in his beard or crawling through a slimy duengon, Thogrim is an invetrate explorer. He also likes collecting odds and ends from all his travels. Favorite Foods: Clefthoof Ribs and thick Dark Beer. Favorite Drinks: Water while adventuring, but beer and sometimes the occasinal nip of brandy...to fight off the chills Favorite Colors: Red and Gold, the Colors of Ironforge, and Silver and Black, the colors of the Argent Dawn Weapons of Choice: Thogrim was trained in the traditional weapons of his order, maces axes and swords, but has been seen fighting with everything from ledgendary two handed weapons to the traditional paladin weapons of a mace and a sheild. He detests ranged weapons, as he belives that to to battle with somone, you must look into their eyes. Dislikes: Night Elves. He thinks that a race so ancient and wise would have learned not to be so aloof and haughty. He also dislikes people who will not stop to help out strangers. Ofetn in his travels Thogrim has been seen lending aid by healing wounded travelers, giving the Blessings of the Light, or sometimes, lending his skill with his arms and armament to a stranger in need. He tries to help whenever possible, as this is part of his order and of his calling. Hobbies: Thogrim collects pre First War Armor. He also is constantly exploring, the more exotic and dangerous the place, the better. Afiliations and Loyalties: Knight of The Silver Hand: Ordained member. Well known and respected in Stormwind and Ironforge. Suspected to have ties to the Argent Dawn. Known to have worked for the Explorers Leauge. Well respected by the commanders of the Shattered Sun offensive. Positive Personality Traits: Truly belives in the power of forgiveness and redemption. Will go out of his way to help somone in need. Will gladly give his life in defence of those who need defended. Negative Personality Traits: Thogrim is a healer, and a force for good, but he has a dark side. Since the loss of his little brother, once a promising young paladin, to the Scourage, Thogrim has dedicated his life to the destruction of all of Arthas's Minions. His hatred of the Undead borders on an obsession. Adventuring Companions: BillyWallace: A vagrant human warrior with a penchant for strong drink and a reckless abandon in battle that Thogrim admires. BillyWallace and Thogrim have pulled, dragged and taunted each other through some of the worst places in Azeroth and in the Outlands. Thogrim considers Billywallace his fourth brother. Billywallace was last seen in Northrend, yeling cheerfully, with a bottle in one hand, sword waving in the other, galloping into the mists of the Borean Tundra. Kyne: Kyne is a Knight of the Silver Hand and an old friend of Thogrim. They adventured together for many years, and share a passion for hunting undead that few others understand. Kyne is currently in seclusion in a monastary in the Cathedral District of Stormwind City. He is meditating and seeking peace within himself, lest his urges to hunt the undead lead to his undoing. It is not known when he will return to adventuring. Uncleyndar: A wandering hunter with a knack for engineering and an unhealthy fasination for guns...very big guns. Vasquarble: A sneaky, shifty night elf. Always 'finding' things that don't belong to him and skulking around in the shadows. Vasquarble is a handy fellow to have around in a tight spot however, as he is VERY handy with a dagger. Known to have multiple sharp objects on his person at a time. Stassy: A human warrior, a sweet, friendly girl who just happens to go into an insane rage at the sight of Hordies and charge screaming with an axe...Many suprised hordies have fallen before this petite blonde woman's weapons. History: Thogrim was the oldest of four brothers, and raised them after their parents were killed in the Second War. Coming from a very faithful family, He and two of his brothers all served the calling of the light. His other brother, while very faithful, took a more martial path, and went to study the way of the warrior. After the Third War, Thogrim and his brothers, now grown, went their seperate ways. Thogram remains in Monastical training in Stormwind, at Northshire Abbey. His second youngest brother, Thogrum, was in the Ironforge militia, and trained in the ways of the warrior. He now also roams the land, looking for their brother. His youngest brother, Thogren, was ordained a Knight of the Silver Hand, and vowed to folow in his older brothers footsteps. He followed the path of the light. His first action against the Scourage came at the Battle of Lights Hope Chapel. He stood his ground along with three hundres other paladins, against the might of the Scourge. Thogren fell, while defending the last bastion of the Light in those plauged lands. His remains were never recovered. To this day, Thogrim mourns and is ridden by greif and guilt that it was not him at that battle, and that it was his influence that led his brother to choose the path of the Paladin. Thogrim is now heading to Northrend to investigate rumors of an impending Scourage invasion. He stands ready to bring the power of the Light to that frozen land.
Welcome to FP my friend. It's good seeing you around again.
No, my friend. We have seen enough civil war by giving in to the temptation to claim it for our respective factions. Such clains lead to the destruction of many of the Seven Kingdoms, and allowed the horde to sack your fair city of Stormwind and beseige our ancient dwarven stronghold of Ironforge.... WE CLAIM THIS LAND IN THE NAME OF THE GRAND ALLIANCE!!!!! GLORY TO THE ALLIANCE!!!!!
Thogrum knelt in the snow of Icecrown Glacier, and stared at the distant spires of Icecrown Citadeal. Finally, he was in sight of it. After years of wandering and searching, he was close to finding out the fate of his brothers. Here was his final goal: The Citedeal. Arthas. Closure. He was so close. Just another few miles. A crunch and movement behind made him whirl about, instinctivly bringing his beloved sword Reckoning up to block the flashing blade of a Scourage footsoldier, the blue glow of the holes where it's eyes used to be inched from his face. Another rapid parry, and a fast, hard swing came down on the brittle bones of the undead creatures body, and it fell broken into the snow, continuting to reach for him. Thogrum then brought a armored boot down hard on its skull, crushing it, and it ceased moving. He looked up, and saw the rest of the Scourage patrol about fifteen yards away, waiting, motionless in their tattered remenants of Alliance uniforms and Horde battlegear. He saw their two officers, Humans, exchange a glance. Humans! Collaborators and betrayers of all Azeroth's living beings. He was, by nature, a calm dwarf, but the deep hatred inside for everything unliving him that had been smouldering burst into bright flame. He reached onto his back, and pulled out his axe. He clenched his weapons tightly in each hand, and roared in fury, and then everything went red. Suddenly, Thogrum slowly began to realize he was breathing hard, and his ribs hurt like hell. He looked down at his armor...it was coated in grime and snow, and his weapons dripped with something dark. He looked around at the remenants of the Scourage patrol, now strewn around him, not moving. He looked up at the glacier in front of him, stretching all the way to what he now knew was Corp'Rethar...known as 'The Horror Gate'. He looked at the thousands, possible hundreds of thousands of undead along the glacier as far as the eye could see. There were mindless wandering undead, and the organized patrols from the Lich Kings army. There were giant skeletons from races now extinct, and horrible abominations made from many other creatures, and brought back by foul magic. . He even saw the dreaded Frostwyrms circling high above. He glanged at the sky. The sun, such as it was, in this frozen land was starting to set, and the wind was picking up. The Icecrown was no place to be at night, and certiantly not alone. He shouldered his weapons, and turned to leave, but not before a last look at the Citdeal. The dark spires taunted him, as if daring his to come and try. He grinned, and shook his head. Not yet. First, he had to prepare, plan and gain allies. It might not be today, it might not be tomorrow, or even this year, but he would see that structure burn, Of this he was sure. Thogrum pulled his cloak tighter around him to ward off the chill, and prepared for the long journey back to the light and warmth of civilization.
I found a someone who, is she choses can advertise, I don't want to innundate her with requests but....THIS IS BAD ASS! Hel you RULE!
Well, generic can be a start. Got suggestions on a website for me?
Hey everyone. I am looking for someone that can make me one of those cool banners with my main charachter on it. They are really neat! Can anyone help me?