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Everything posted by Reneesmae

  1. Exactly why I said finally showed em, he's your bitch when hes on farm But I have faith in you guys, I know you'll make him your bitch.
  2. Omg guys!! Grats!! Finally showed him eh? =D
  3. Stompy, I agree with you on some things, but when filling out an application try your hardest not to degrade your current guild being that they did give you the time of day. Any guild from now on will never ever feel like home to you like FP was. I cried when I left too. I think I take this game way to seriously. I'm in Shadow of the Sun now and it feels so weird signing on and not seeing Toe talking about gnomes or Mandi being fresh with me. I'm surrounded by a bunch of people who mean nothing to me, but sometimes its good to fly away from your nest here and there. I just posted an application to Vindictive as well, I know people in there so hopefully I'll fit in a bit more. As for feeling like Aliesha puts you down, try to remember shes under a lot of pressure and even as a leader you slip up. I'm pretty sure she'll excuse herself for her attitude if she feels the need too, I hope you and Amore find yourselves a good guild because any good that takes you guys will definitely be taking 2 very amazing players. Love you guys like family and I wish you the best of luck. -Renee
  4. Reneesmae

    For Renee...

    i know its terrible =/ and TY Dougy! I just saw this <3
  5. There once was a gnome named Toe Who sat in Dalaran sad and alone. Along came Aliesha To show off the true woman she is Had poor Toe going insane. So here came Sin So when pink Gnomes go AFK.....Trust that we'll come out to play <3
  6. Reneesmae


    omgggg Happy birthday!!
  7. just dont let em touch your balls ??!?!!?!
  8. I refuse to /hump someone that isnt you! I miss you already !? I wish you the best and i hope to see you back soon ! The last /hump till you return!
  9. Green Rag Doll, gogo. -Just for Shiki-
  10. Grrr i hunted Lo'Que for months....saw him once and it was at one of his spawn points, sad part was that he was killing me because some b-elf hunter had tamed it seconds before me. >.<
  11. mwah hahahahahaha

    Thats my evil laugh for u^

  12. me...evil...never!?

  13. msh drop dead sexy booo. i loves u!



  14. Gotta show Indi some lovesss !

  15. haha <3.
  16. Woot! No picture is too naughty ?! Keep em coming ?! And sadly, no, I havent been to one of the famous FP parties.
  17. Reneesmae


    Alright so I dont know if anyone else has started a RL picture thread soooo heres one. Not everyone has a myspace or a facebook, so now's your time to shine! Now the rules are that you must post a RL pic of yourself on this thread !?!? If we're missing people you will get called out !!!! So heres Renee: GO!!
  18. omg. mandi !?!? excuse how i look....... omg... i look retarded.
  19. Bang....omg! You have Drake doing this too !?!?!?!?!?!? CORRUPTING YOUNG MINDS !
  20. oohhh emmm geee you have no comments!?

    -Renee <3's Indi!!

  21. Well beside Mandi and I your the only other chick that is always with us. lol So you had to be in there. & Dase.... I enjoy anything Mandi does to me !?
  22. lmfao my boobs look like tennis balls....and aliesha's holding a penis super soaker !?!? -f**king priceless night in vent.
  24. Ouchies... your a decade older than me Deme !

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