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About Booyaah

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  • Birthday 05/05/1982

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  1. Booyaah

    Happy Easter!

    Okay, heres a few more updates. it took me an entire day to put the thing together over the weekend (I was trying to be very careful and was playing around with the arrangements in the case a lot). http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0257.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0322.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0340.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0328.jpg I finally managed to get an OS and WoW installed while doing ICC 10 tonight. I was playing around with the Eyefinity monitor spanning. Only problem is I don't have a 3rd monitor and you can see why it's not too ideal with anything less. http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0366.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0369.jpg A few random wow screenshots: http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0344.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0362.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...ch/IMG_0361.jpg I always thought the wow graphics looked like crap...but not with Ultra settings! Someone buy me a 3rd monitor
  2. Booyaah

    Happy Easter!

    Well for me at least...finally got my tax refund! http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd.../Tech/Boxes.jpg http://s18.photobucket.com/albums/b116/dtd...BoxContents.jpg
  3. Great vid.
  4. Heh paypal. I used to have my solo checking account tied into my paypal account back in the day until someone hacked into it (hadn't even used it in 6 months) and charged like a thousand bucks of purchases on it. Now I have it tied to a secondary checking account that I only keep like five bucks in and only transfer money into it when I am going to purchase something off eBay. For some reason my bank isn't letting me transfer funds to this account so I'll have to stop in the bank since I need to buy something else online anyways.
  5. Booyaah

    WowBash again!!!

    She looks like an amueter... Is it standard procedure for all females to watch these videos before they join FP. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2bpgN5aT3c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9uwYGFcMao
  6. You really have to like Physics and Math (hello Calculus). If you can't stand either of these maybe go for an art/model designer (Photoshop/3dsmax)? Otherwise you will not get very far. I took two grad level 3D graphics classes my senior year in college because I thought it would be fun. They were far the most interesting yet hardest classes I ever took in my life. Whenever I watch a Pixar movie I can literally see the Matrix code behind it now I would tell your client to start taking some Physics/Calc courses online. Otherwise he could look online into XNA which is Microsoft's game development framework for XBox (I think it runs on PC games too). I think the industry is way too specialized and is so full of very smart people that is probably why you will never really many online game development courses. Just stick to playing
  7. Tom your nuts are above your waist in that last picture...might want to get that checked out Renee might have something
  8. [2. Trade] Booyaah: WTS [5 Years] going fast! Maybe I'll sail around the world this year. Thanks for the comments all <3 p.s. still waiting on my Dandelions
  9. I was in Immo raiding when BWL came out. Vael had the same timer too for the first month or two. I had to switch to my rogue every week for that one fight. It was so funny to see a raid with like 9 rogues and 8 dps warriors in a 40 man. Everyone was screaming in between wipes for people to hurry up and run back. I literally think we could squeeze in 15 attempts in an hour. I like timers. They are fun and people that slack off (might plz) and afk don't get brought. Hardcore raiders are no different than the rest of the general qq'ing population. The only difference is they actually think they are good at the game when they really are not. WTB more ZA timed instances.
  10. Booyaah


    I just went to my Doctor's and had a chip inserted into my neck. Whenever I am asked for any kind of password anywhere in the world I feel this strange burning on my neck. Best decision I ever made. Um are you running Firefox with NoScript and Keyscrambler out of curiousity? And Spybot is horrible for keyloggers imo..gogo authenticator..gl
  11. Here is my newegg.com wish list: http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWi...Number=14312607 The new Intel chips and mobos are amazing on performance but they are a bit pricier. If your looking to go economical I would get an AMD chipset instead. As long as you know how to pick out compatible components (ie. amd mobo+intel processor=bad lol), putting together a system is not that hard. Seating the processor is the only task that actually requires a delicate touch. If you bend just one of those silicon pins by accident, you just lost yourself a few hundred bucks lol. My only other tip is don't skimp on the Power Supply. Get a name brand (thermaltake, pcpnp, etc) with at least 3-4 25V rails and 750+ watts of power. You will save yourself the headache of never having to see a windows blue screen again.
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