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About Powerstripe

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/12/1985

In-game Information

  • Race
    Night Elf
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Profile Information

  • Location
    East Coast, Canada
  2. I've been thinking of the 'Great Guilds of the Past' and recalled one in particular. Local Defence. Just Kidding. In the process of rebuilding a guild on Kel'Thuzad (Alliance of course) I remembered the old process of applications. Then I remembered you guys. Hell, I had a lot of fun raiding with FP, even though back then I tended to be a little ragey. We quit for a while, then came back. Had RL issues and dealt with em. Had a second kid who I hope will farm for me some day and joing the Royal Canadian Air Force. That means I get to play WoW more! I hope you are all doing well both in the real world and outside of WoW... wait, you mean to tell me those are the same thing? Ok, well, in WoW and out. If you any of you guys are coming back or still playing, or even still see this forum from time to time, send me a shout. Battletag is Mudshuvel#1454. Take care all!
  3. Simple tactics pays my paycheck, lols.
  4. Well, Rogers made exceptions and allowed people who just bought the iPhone 3G to buy the iPhone 3Gs. Depending on when the bought the phone, some got the iPhone 3Gs for free if the bought the 3G withing a few months before. Right Now (Prices): 8GB Black- $99 16GB Black/White iPhone 3Gs- $199 32GB Black/White iPhone 3Gs- $299 The 3-year contract ensures you don't pay the $750 Apple asks for a new phone. Until then end of September, there is a 6GB dataplan for the same price of a 1GB dataplan. If you have a buddy in sales, you is to your advantage.
  5. I work for Rogers, loving my 50% discount;) Sorry about your luck with Bell, lol To tell you the truth, in the US, iPhone may be leaving AT&Ts exclusive deal and being sold through the other GSM/3G providers in the US. Bell and Telus are beginning to piggyback Rogers' 3G network (which is causing massive capacity issues (damn you CRTC) so you never know, Bell and/or Telus may grab the iPhone when they go GSM in 2010-2011. Rogers is beginning to build the 4G network in Vancouver and Victoria (in time for the 2010 Olympics hopefully) BUT here is where my point lies I work for iPhone Tech for Rogers, rumor has it that the iPhone 4th gen (iPhone 4G) should be released August 2010. Wait til then for an iPhone as it will have more RAM, more vRAM, and will probably be 32gb and 64gb models... Two other phones that seem to be doing pretty good are the HTC Dream and HTC Magic all done up all nice and pretty by Google. Free Google GPS type dealies, etc etc... If you wanna know anything fun about cells without being lied by Customer Service people who only care about selling, reply to this thread or PM me... BTW, try NOT to go with Bell and Telus for a while as they are planning to go GSM and your pretty Blackberry may be obsolete when they do as they go through different frequencies and they may not have much knowledge on how SIM cards work and stuff.. PS. Trenton, I have a 73 Shammy and the wife has a 73 Shadow Priest Hordeside now, any guilds you know that would accept new 80s (80s soon enough).
  6. My question is... On a PvP server, you can only be one faction... I have 3 toons at 60 or over on Skullcrusher, if I change factions on one, would it change em all?
  7. Thankfully, I have a Canadian and American address. Woot for me
  8. I'd heal Saturday during the day or wvr. Oceania would too.
  9. The baby is definitely a baby prophet... she looks oddly like Peteus too... hmm
  10. Happy Bday buddy
  11. I'll post a pic of me and Oceania, i'm at work, so I only have individual pics, I'll post a together pic later The picture of me is yes, with Randy Couture with the UFC, and I included a pic of our daughter (me and Oceania's, that is).
  12. Oceania and I are going to TRY and make it there. More than likely we'll be drivin. Wow. I just looked it up on mapquest (2,572 km – about 1 day 2 hours) well, I better see a rum and coke waiting for me. Oceania is preggers with #2 so this should be exciting. Government is paying me 4k in June, so hopefully we'll see that around the same time so we can fly. Damnit. Now I have to buy a passport which means I have no excuse but to see the in-laws now in Wisconsin... You f'ers better feel lucky.
  13. Oceania would be willing to, unfortunately I work Sun-Thurs (changing to Tues-Fri after May 12th) Change the days to my off-days then we'd be talkin, lol. For loot, I would suggest: RTU (main spec) - Highest roll w/ fewest RTUs. RTE - (secondary spec only- Highest roll w/ fewest RTEs, no monetary payment) Shard(s)- For example if there are 5, 5 top highest rolls BOE Epics- Under no circumstance should it be looted to someone for equipping, automatic loot to highest roll. Too much controversy on the Skullcrusher forums pertaining to ninja'ing, lets not add FP to that list.
  14. Honestly, I'd recommend Beckbristow and some of his Pwnys. Beck is an awesome raider and from what I've seen from the Pwnys in some of my 25-man Naxx runs is that they are great players and have great attitudes.
  15. Beckbristow should come
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