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About Brainirrigation

  • Rank
    Divy poopy pants
  1. Yo mom's PvP forum!
  2. Okay, feel free to show how much I adore you
  4. A few of us went last year too, but we failed at going to the meeting table so we didn't meet anyone from Skullcrusher. It could have been... at least interesting lol
  5. Anyone thinking about going? Medan and I will be there, along with a few others from Vindictive. Just thought I'd ask. Its a really good time. Lots to do during the day and at night. I should dig up my pictures
  6. I didnt CHANGE it perse... For some reason when I tried to recover Div's password, and redo it... It just wouldnt work. Soooooooooooo. Yeah. Here I am XD Another update, followed by a New Years message! (can you tell I'm excited?)
  7. http://www.tankandspankcomic.com/ A friend and I have started a WoW comic of sorts. We'll probably branch out after a bit but for now this is what we have. We posted our first one today, and will be posting regularly. Feedback appriciated! -Div
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