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About Kornith

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  • Birthday 06/05/1989

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    Death Knight

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  1. Yay! Of course, now I can’t change my profile name... -Kornith
  2. Uh... 4chan, sadly...
  3. Deadpool
  4. I'd be down, just let me know when!
  5. Rawr!
  6. My cousin has been on the daily show, but the night they talked about the Palin e-mails (think it was same night as this) he was the last reporter to speak about the "massive dump" and had his mug on the screen for some time... I feel so bad/proud that I'm hesitant to talk to him about it. He's the Politico reporter
  7. Pretty cool. I'm tempted to get one of Korn, I'm thinking either my icc raid gear or the dk starting blues. They just didn't have worgen for so long that I kind of forgot about em
  8. It's all on Hulu and Netflix, and the english dub is pretty good. I also just wrapped up re-watching Soul Eater. It's a Funimation series, and while the english dub is weird at first, also a pretty good show. My everything-japan-loving girlfriend says it has all the hallmarks of a good anime. I just like it for the fights and the more adult leaning
  9. Aaaand thank you Honki. That comment was just too perfect.
  10. Kornith


    Gah! Well, nice to know I'm loved around here! Thanks guys!
  11. Gurrenn Lagann- The manliest anime to ever exist! Pierce the heavens with your drill! I haven't seen Macross Plus, but I do have the entire original Robotech!
  12. Mr. T! Also, while my account has been recovered, my computer is dead, so I'll be on when I can steal/borrow friend's computers that have WoW on them. Yahoo!
  13. Oh hey, I'm actually visible this time
  14. So, I thought I had fixed my disconnecting AND my crashing, but I was apparently wrong on both accounts. More over, my formerly reliable, high-speed internet is now grinding along like a wounded snail. Oh, and I won't have internet access except for maybe an hour a day until the third of January. Happy New Years, good luck, and have fun!
  15. Fat people... like me...
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