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About Mandalai

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  • Birthday 09/06/1988

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  1. Lol Fifi Chris O'Donnell as Robin was the shit (as were those movies) but yeah I really wanted to see a badassed-out new Robin in the Dark Knight movies. It would have certainly tickled me in all the right ways.
  2. honestly I'm pretty pissed Robin never made it into any of the batman movies. wtf.
  3. Mandalai

    The old days

    we haven't met, but that was sweet! I always keep screen shots of the best scenery in WoW. It never fails to calm me if I'm having a bad day. That and kicking the stuffing out of something.
  4. I check the forums everyday! or.. every few days. and theres never anything new. it makes me sad.
  5. that's sweet!! I'd love to get one of mandy someday. Although I never had T6 I would deff get that, the best lock gear by far.
  6. My "your" show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgo57OBKFOA
  7. Mandalai


    happy bday Korn!!!
  8. dexter's laboratory
  9. Mandalai


    The only way this could really work for me is if it were during the day, say noonish and over by 4, because I usually work nights on weekends as well. Really I could do a raid any day of the week as long as it's over by 4, except Tuesdays. If this gets going let me know, my gear isn't remotely raid ready.
  10. spunky
  11. worddd, my game time ran out, so i can deff use the free time hahaha.
  12. Mandalai

    Real ID's.

    I'm not certain what this RealID business is about. but. my email is lis@.w@nek@gmail.com I also thought i'd give a shout out here so our newer members become aware that we DO actually have a facebook group for FP! http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=56897990912&ref=ts Let's get everyone on there who'd like to be connected. =]
  13. Mandalai

    YaY 3.3.5

    /swearing I could actually make the raid tonight, too! bgjhngowjngrwje
  14. http://www.funnyexamanswers.com/ this is where they got it
  15. LOL good stuff
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