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About Jamesthunderbird

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  • Birthday 01/28/1989

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  • Location
    Imperial, CA
  1. Awesomo - Combat Rogue OORR Isamu - Unholy DK
  2. since when has freemasonry been more important than wow? its just a bunch of community service with a RL title
  3. well i signed up on the previous post fyi and i just got out of class so sorry if im abit late :S
  4. Im in for this week too
  5. wierd......my girlfriend also got minor second degree burns on her wrist and hand while working...she works at IHOP, sounds like IHOP is taking your insults seriously tim
  6. well as sad as my dps is gonna be im going to be attending on my rogue .... or my dk if i dont make it to the main raid on him tomorrow
  7. well as sad as my dps is gonna be im going to be attending on my rogue .... or my dk if i dont make it to the main raid on him tomorrow
  8. count me in
  9. actually my spoec is unholy 2h ive never raided dw or blood. Ive tried them in heroics but i love unholy to much, so you guys have no idea how excited i am about the massive buffs to gargoyle and scoure strike
  10. ya i was thinking my dk lol
  11. www.myspace.com/er1cj there ya go incase anybody was wondering
  12. Ok, how would i go about if i wanted to get a promotion or getting into 25-man naxx if say a spot ever opens up Im not a scrub or anything, i was just wondering so i know if i should keep my hopes up or just start looking into pugs
  13. Ok, how would i go about if i wanted to get a promotion or getting into 25-man naxx if say a spot ever opens up Im not a scrub or anything, i was just wondering so i know if i should keep my hopes up or just start looking into pugs
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