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About Lyyna

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/05/1986

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  • Race
    Night Elf
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  • Location
    South Jersey!
  1. Yea... Lucid was disbanded this morning because Duce's account was hacked. I bought an authenticator this afternoon. He's the fourth person in Lucid alone in the last month or two!
  2. Lyyna

    How the?

    Can I get a smiley face throwing up? I need it. Thanks.
  3. I recently heard that Amazon has changed some sort of internal censorship policy. This policy removes the sales rankings from books that the new rules deem inappropriate. However, it seems that this "policy" has been skewed towards the LGBT community. While Amazon is claiming publicly that they have no new policy and this is all a glitch on the site, privately authors of certain books who contacted Amazon to find out why their novels disappeared were told it was because of these new censorship guidelines. As Jeff Probst so succinctly puts it in this blog Amazon has some explaining to do.
  4. Trenton, that list is hilarious. As far as the issue at hand is concerned, I honestly don't think "gay marriage" is a concept that will ever exist. As long as the Bible continues to be interpreted as it is now (marriage must be between a man and a woman, and furthermore, that homosexuality at all is wrong) the religious institutions that honor and sanctify the idea of "marriage" will not allow it. Certain governments have tried to compensate with the creation of civil unions instead, but as others have pointed out these are still fraught with issues and don't carry the same meaning for some gay couples that marriage would. In a country where church and state are supposed to be separate, I feel like the last twenty years have seen them in each others' company much more often than I am comfortable with.
  5. Is that really a congressman?
  6. Wth? I want your tub!
  7. So you can look like this guy? http://www.truck-nuts.com/albums/album_ima...8354/772889.htm Creeepy!
  8. It's gorgeous you two. Congrats. First the Benz and now this!
  9. I figured it was along those lines but I didn't want to assume. I thought being gay meant you were always happy?! (bah dum cha)
  10. I'm out of the loop. What's the equal sign? Also, the plate's sweet. Will you get busted for covering up half of the word GEORGIA? They hate that in NJ. Stupid traffic NAZIs.
  11. I like how she's draped on that shell thing, though I don't favor the shell thing itself. In the second photo of her on the green carpet, the lighting is awesome. The only way it would've been more perfect is if it'd been grass instead.
  12. I'm taking notes since I'm considering dropping my tax return on a desktop for similar reasons. My 5 yr old Dell Laptop just can't take this video game shit anymore! Poor thing. /pats.
  13. Is it bad that this made me think of Sakx?
  14. The actual flip out is kind of scary. Imo, it makes it easy to understand how actors can become so immersed in their characters that they sometimes lose themselves. The song's hilarious.
  15. I remember reading a web comic once where Mario comes to rescue Peach and she's standing there after the Bowser fight with a smaller character in a pink dress with Bowser's head. She says something along the lines of "Did you expect me to wait forever?! I've moved on!" It always makes me laugh.
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