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Everything posted by raela/pansie

  1. If you let me move in with y'all, I'll take care of the lawn!!! =D
  2. Hello =) So, I'm having a problem with my Ventrilo. If i talk and someone else happens to hit their button at the same time, it causes crazy feedback, as if i'm using speakers. I'm using a headset, and i don't know why this is happening. Has anyone else had this problem, or know any way i might fix it? I'd really like to be able to speak on vent, and not just listen. this is my setup... http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/prin...ventproblem.jpg thanks in advance to anyone who tries to help me =) <3
  3. soma seems to have been on his knees alot?
  4. zomg there are zombies in pic 55!!!! also... soma... i think i stared at ur eyes for like 15 minutes in one of those pics....
  5. just puttin my name out there if ya need a tree =)
  6. car
  7. nice watch dace, nice shoes mayson
  8. ahahahah
  9. i sure lawled =)
  10. raela/pansie


    hahah, thats MY apartment =)
  11. raela/pansie


    http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/princessjesska/000_0156.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/princessjesska/000_0162.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/princessjesska/000_0166.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/princessjesska/000_0161.jpg to be continued.... ahahahahaha
  12. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/prin...ka/100_0586.jpg Stephanie from Lazy town IRL
  13. happy bday love! I said it on facebook on ur bday so i'm not actually late... =) how did u celebrate?
  14. raela/pansie

    Metal heads

    don't hate me!!! /cry lol but yes... he is amazing... AND he was born in Canada, eh? =D yay!!
  15. omg memphis, when i saw u on the boat, i didn't know u had had an accident!! /hug girlie!! i was up till 6:30 am... my fam was goin to work and i was still in the nexus LOL
  16. raela/pansie


    YAYAY!!! Patching!!! =D =D
  17. raela/pansie

    Metal heads

    omg, last year i was at an Opeth concert with In Flames and Dark Tranquility and Devon Townsend (used to be in Strapping Young Lad) That was the best concert ever. All the bands were amazing live!! I'm a HUGE Opeth fan, and In Flames and Dark Tranq are just under them on my list.... nice to see some other metal heads in guild <3
  18. imo marriage is like, a "tangible" way of showing that i love someone enough to give them all of me forever, and love is feeling like a piece of me is missing when he's not here. Like my soul is intertwined with his, and my heart beats faster when i hear his voice. Wow. i have poor grammar. My point of view is one of a girl engaged to a man 600 miles away at the moment.
  19. its legal here... i see no reason why it shouldn't be.
  20. LOL, ya its me =) HAHAHAHAHA soooo funny... i didn't know until a friend told me!!
  21. lol, sounds like y'all know how to throw a party =)
  22. raela/pansie

    Who Voted?!

    i don't live in the US.... but if i did... i would vote. i can't believe what a huge deal voting is there! On Tv, i saw people lined up for hours to vote! wow!
  23. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/prin...ct2008011-1.jpg i forgot to take a pic before i was half in the bag.... but it is/was a moonkin.... http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y102/prin...AOct2008048.jpg and my pansie cake (modelled after my gnome warrior)
  24. Omg rach, the kids look awesome!!!
  25. i'm curious how much it costs *blush*
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