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About gromsghost

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  • Birthday 01/01/1912

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  1. i cant do single player. the day after i went on x-box live and shot ppl, all single player games were done for me lol and as for the real money.......thats just crazy!
  2. little pink baby ducks !
  3. Its slow , but we are getting it together. FP is gonna be a powerhouse again, just gonna take a min...... We are only quiet right now cause we are sneaking up on everyone!
  4. Ok all here we go. gonna try to get ppl together wanna try for Tues, at 9pm. So if you wanna try to get some raiding in please try to be on. we need the ppl to get started. Cant wait to see everyone ! lol
  5. ino your playing WoW. just dont know where

  6. Hey guys really would like to gear ppl up! just need anyone any item lvl. we will start with the new stuff.... Do 10m Flamelands rep runs. Thats raiding up to the first boss. no Save ! can reset and go again. Rep is good for 378 items from vendors. We just need some ppl online!
  7. leather chaps!
  8. hahahahahaha! its so stupid we are gonna be into the b reel comic book heros soon!
  9. been looing for all of the old guys Viper. but we are slowwwwwwww. thinking about doing Flame lands rep runs as first raids that way everyone gets gear every night ! just until the 378 items are all done ! just need some ppl. cant wait till ( Damage Inc. ) is back in full effect!
  10. Ok now its captain America, lol there are not many left so before they are all gone I vote David Spade as Aqua Man and mabey Wesley Snipes as the Falcon!
  11. FiFi come home ! we miss you and we are getting it back together !
  12. Well thats 4 of us, and Elbee is in just need a few more and we can go have some fun !
  13. Anyone know if RPB and or Sliceadmiril are broken, or is ine just messed up somehow? i cant get any timers up and i have hit curse up 3 diff times lol
  14. yeah why not but you dont play games that much so what would you blog about? lol we miss you sutter !
  15. 1 to 85 w/o spending anything............ lol WTF and Gratz
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