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Everything posted by Thruster

  1. Soaked
  2. I want to formally appollogize to anyone I offended with my comments. That was not my intention.
  3. LMAO!
  4. In the 20+ years of playing guitar, I have never seen a bass like that. Victor Wooten brought the funk but my hat's off to Jean Baudin.
  5. Just to clarify my previous statement, I am an Athiest so religion has no impact. Just Biology and Physics. Second, I am an ignorant jackass for having my opinions. Anything in those links about abortion? I'm Pro choice in that area too since that gets dangerously close to invasion of privacy.
  6. I don't have a facebook account so I didn't read the links. I did read Memphistos' post however and offered my 2 cents. Death Penalty - Yes - As long as the crime fits the punishment. Gay Marriage - No - There is an opposite sex for a reason. Let the forum riots begin.. hehe
  7. They are indeed.. Just look at their posture and sculptured bodies.
  8. I'd love to get paid to play WoW. (and who wouldn't?) Overtime wouldn't be a problem!
  9. Thruster


    Servers are coming back up but I bet SC will be close to last as always.
  10. Thruster


    When 7:00 PM PST gets here, they'll change it to 8:00 PM.. Then 9.. then 10.. I was hoping for a quick Kara badge run tonight.
  11. Thruster

    Metal heads

    Metal FTW!... I can't stand Rap / Hip Hop.. Ablsolutely no musical talent. Using a synthesizer and a grammatically incorrect moron behind a mic does not impress me. Show me some screaming guitars, kick ass drums, thumping bass lines any day.
  12. Tupperware
  13. ROFLMFAO!! I just love Maaven's reply..
  14. 'The Wall' Nuff said.
  15. That was beautifully done.
  16. Thruster

    Who Voted?!

    I'm on my way to go vote now.
  17. I think Sakx got soo pissed, he trashed the SC server. G/L on getting your stuff back.
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