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About Ajaxthegreat

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  1. If you attack the female and drag her across to the male and feed him one fish you can get the quest done faster. You just have to kill her afterwards which seems kinda cruel...
  2. "I'm on a dolphin doin flips and shit... the dolphins splashin.. getin every body all wet.. this ain't sea world, this is as real as it gets" "f**k trees...I climb bouys mother F**ker" This song made me
  3. Oh, this is another reason not to buy gold. It just supports these a-holes and makes the gold buyer and equally big a-hole.
  4. Well, I'm glad to hear they are making some progress. I hope you can get ride of that trojan and get back into the swing of things. I have an authenticator. It was a bit of a pain for the first couple weeks but now its second nature. I also taped the authenticator serial number under my desk just in case I loose it (that's the info blizz needs to remove the authenticator from your account). Also, when I install from curse I always use the manual install thingy. When you get back and if you need any help getting back on your feet let me know what I can do. I'm kinda poor atm but i can farm like no tomorrow
  5. pure awesome.
  6. Oh, I almost forgot: I also got about a pound or two.
  7. I always miss that one on the left!
  8. lol at the creepy dude with the nasty stash in the front row. Also, I think the black guy is pretty much the only one without a laptop.
  9. I got: - A bunch of bluerays - dirty dozen, dark knight, independence day, a couple others. - Some clothes - TONS of gift cards(I just bought motor storm pacific rift for PS3) - A new mouse - A multi-tool - A paper air plane per day calendar/paper air plane kit.
  10. Ajaxthegreat

    New MMO!

    Is redneck a class? or all classes?
  11. awesome video.
  12. Is there a title?
  13. Lol. Sometimes I just sit down, start trolling and get on a roll. I can't help myself Daghostmaker, why do you want me cry?
  14. I like #9 and #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7wUOCADxq0...player_embedded
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